Sources for Psallite Sapienter?
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Can anyone tell me, (I believe B. Mills himself has posted here occasionally,) the source authority or authorities for the rules outlined in this book?
    Is it just a description of what was/is done in the EF, what came to be accepted practice? or are there authoritative rubrics somewhere?

    I would like to know, specifically because I might be part, (an authority-less part...,) of a music program for an EF which strikes me a little as made up as they go along.
    In seeking slowly to try to help with, and perhaps correct anything not quite right, (much of which may be at the behest of the well-meaning but self-taught priest,) it would be nice to reference something other than, "this terrific blue paperback says that....."

    Thanks for any info.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
    Thanked by 1DougS
  • CGM
    Posts: 705
    He mentions this book in the bibliography:

    The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, by Adrian Fortescue and J.B.
    "This book contains everything the choirmaster could ever want to
    know about the liturgical ceremonies of Mass, including many helpful
    directions regarding music. A new edition, updated for the 1962 liturgical
    books, has been published by St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough,