I'll take the Long Road, others can take the...
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Excellent article on evangelizing youth towards worship. Hat tip to the one, the only inimitable Jason Pennigton.

  • An interesting article. I remember a wise priest (a musician himself) remarking once at a diocesan liturgical commission meeting that we needed to remember "the difference between being pastoral and pandering."
    Thanked by 2Kathy CHGiffen
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Melo, are you talking about evangelization of the youth, Brazilian-style? The following 2 videos make me wonder what World Youth Days in Rio will be like.


  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Nope, the link takes you to article written by a young woman who isn't RC, but the dynamics of her pilgrimage from church to church as she grew up from adolescence to young adulthood. Very sensible and edifying to the CMAA principles I rather thought.
    Re. Brazil?
    1. I'm speculative about WYD's in general, but I'm also 62, so like what I think matters, right? Event liturgies of any/all sorts are troublesome.
    2. I remember when I was a DM at the age of 22 thinking, wow these geezers with their PeterPaulMary lame tunes and Martin guitars, how lame. Wouldn't Mass be AWESOME if we could channel YES (the band) power into the Mass. That was rather ahead of the curve, tho' still young, dumb.....
    3. I make no pretense to understand how South Americans in urban centers go about "designing" liturgies. Australia was over the top for me. And we shouldn't carp about whatever goes on in Brazil (I mean they have to compete with Mardi Gras!) or in Argentina as we still have LAREC. I'm still wondering what the hell Taiko drumming was all about there this year.
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Melo, that IS a good article. I particularly liked this part:

    As the poet Czeslaw Milosz said, “The sacred exists and is stronger than all our rebellions.”

    Both my doubt and my faith, and even my ongoing frustrations with the church itself, are part of a tradition that started before I was born and will continue after I die. I rest in the assurance that I have something to lean against, something to resist and, more importantly, something that resists me.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,112
    I'm speculative about WYD's in general, but I'm also 62, so like what I think matters, right? Event liturgies of any/all sorts are troublesome.

    I feel the same way, and I'm 18. You're not alone.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I always thought WYD was something like a huge scout jamboree with the mass, and without the structure.
    Thanked by 1melofluent