Text of Lectionary Psalms and Verses
  • Tell me there is a digital source for these for a composer....other than going on the USCCB Lectionary pages and copying and pasting each one over....

    Any suggestions, including a copy and paste marathon to eliminate this lack, would be of assistance....
  • it's a goofy and disgusting copyright issue at work here. No deal, so far as I know.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Pretty sure not, although it has been a couple years since I looked.
    In conspiracy-theorist mode, a friend, (who also thinks the corn industry is the Anti-Christ,) says it's part of the same movement as "depriving" people of missals and missalletes, if they can't read along it won't be easy to see how fast and loose presider/lay reader/composer/music publisher is playing with the text.
    Me, I think it's because there's no money in it for the people who could most easily effect it. (I'm only a greed-theorist)

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Also bear in mind that, like the effect of legislators’ technical ignorance on the availability of certain resources, the bishops’ general computer illiteracy (I mean, does anyone really think Bp. Trautman hacks Perl or knows what a SYN packet is?) probably affects us here.

    There are multiple cases where the current U.S. Lectionary is inconsistent with itself in multiple occurrences of the same text. This, I surmise, is a result of technological ignorance on the part of one too many decision-makers.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    I am doing the same thing, frogman. You have my sympathy.
  • Ribbit...
  • This is perhaps why the late Pope John Paul II promulgated the document "Liturgicam Authenticam". From the way I read it, LA calls for the translations to be accurate against the Latin originals. This, to my limited knowledge, includes the Roman Missal, the Lectionary and, to some extent, sacred music. This was supposed to have been the guiding principal that the USCCB was supposed to have used in Sing to the Lord.

    Jeffrey is right on the money regarding the copyright issue. I, too, have suspected as much, espeically when I compare the RNAB with the RSV-CE from Ignatius Press and the D-R that my late grandmother bequeathed to me.

    In fact, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus made some interesting points regarding translations in his article "Bible Babel":

    "The imposition of this ... third-rate translation is made definite by a provision of the otherwise welcome 2001 instruction from Rome’s congregation for worship, Liturgiam authenticam. The instruction says that “in order that the faithful may be able to commit to memory at least the more important texts of the Sacred Scriptures and be formed by them ... there should exist only one approved translation, which will be employed in all parts of the various liturgical books”. The American bishops, alas, chose the NAB. Had they chosen a more worthy translation, there would have been a fierce uproar from the guild of Catholic biblical scholars who perpetrated the NAB. In addition, there is a thoroughly misplaced proprietorial pride in this being a Catholic translation: It may not be very good, but it is ours."

    You can read the entire article here:


    It is interesting to note that the translators from Vatican Radio use the New Jerusalem Bible when they translate the readings for the Papal Masses.
  • Frogman, I didn't mean to hijack your OP. In response to your request, I tried to see what the EWTN website had regarding the Mass readings. Incidentally, they don't use the RNAB; rather, the translation that they post in their website comes from the D-R.

    I know that when I've had to put my worship aids together for diocesan liturgies, I've had to type the readings directly from the Lectionary (English and Spanish). Be thankful that you don't have to do Spanish (at least, I don't think you do). I've had to get mine from the Mexican Lectionary and the psalms from the Lectionary used by the Spain's Episcopal Conference. It's funny. The USCCB allows us to use the readings from the Mexican conference, but, not their translation of the psalms.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232

    benedictgal wrote:

    It is interesting to note that the translators from Vatican Radio use the New Jerusalem Bible when they translate the readings for the Papal Masses.

    The New Jerusalem Bible is permitted for use in Masses in England and Wales, though the current lectionaries there and in Ireland are based on the (older) Jerusalem Bible, with references to the Divine Name YHWH replaced with "the Lord".
  • From what I understand, Antigua and some of the Carribean islands are using the RSV-CE, at least that is what Fr. Richard John Neuhaus noted.

    Now, maybe St. Anthony Messenger's website might have what frogman noel is looking for as far as the readings are concerned.
  • Also, check out the copyright notice, which probably doesn't have legal standing at all. I've never seen such an extreme claim. They might as well that demand that anyone who reads it aloud wear a propeller hat and green trousers.

    Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    It's a free country and all people can print anything I guess but they can't apodictically deny the possibility of fair use.
  • Jeffrey - Most likely it's just a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. I've noticed in my employer's corporate publications a plethora of different legal statements that range all over in their severity. And on the USCCB's Permissions Policy page it's a bit more straightforward.

    Of fun note is the USCCB's page on today's saint:
    Of York in England, of the blessed martyrs William Spenser, priest, and Robert Hardesty, who, condemned to death under Queen Elizabeth I, the first because he was a priest, the second because he had given him hospitality; were hanged on a gibbet.

    Gibbet? Isn't that one of those words we don't understand?
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    They might as well that demand that anyone who reads it aloud wear a propeller hat and green trousers.

    Get the h*** out of our sacristy and vestment cupboard!

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)