EWTN Live / Catholic Answers / ?
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I always listen to Catholic Answers Live Radio Show (on EWTN Radio) out here in AZ from 3pm - 5pm. Its a call in show that gives Catholic Answers to questions about the faith. Today they had on, as a guest speaker, Dr. Scott Hahn. As I was listening I thought "Boy do we need a Scott Hahn in our cause". I thought of calling him to ask what his thoughts on Sacred Music were, then I thought we already have that; William Mahrt, Jefferey O, Adam Bartlett, Jeff Tucker, etc.

    Is there anyone from CMAA that would be willing to go on Catholic Answers or EWTN Live and talk about Sacred Music?
    It would be an hour of fun for sure and the guest would definitely get beat up by the callers. It would however be a great way to get the word out.
    They usually promote books and recordings or other items to sell. So someone with a publication might be the right person.

    If we can get a volunteer, I will start making calls.
    Let me know, I'll get the ball rolling.
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Bartlett or Tucker would be two great ones, off the top of my head. Bartlett especially, with SEP under his belt.

    Maybe JMO?
    Thanked by 2irishtenor elaine60
  • I'm not a leader in CMAA, but Catholic Answers is in my backyard- I actually used to work there about 15 years ago when I was in college. And I've maintained some contacts. Several folks who work a CA are choir members and current fellow parishioners, too.

    I can serve as a contact if desired, if its helpful. And I agree an hour of the show going to sacred music would be time well spent. Good idea.
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    And they podcast so we can all listen to it afterwards.
    Thanked by 2irishtenor elaine60
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    JT and AOZ are closest to EWTN, since they work in Auburn.

    And I think that some folks at EWTN already take an interest in liturgical matters. During the Colloquium, I happened to catch the EWTN radio morning show "Sunrise", and one of the team there started an in-studio discussion among the hosts about the Sign of Peace, based on an item JT wrote at New Liturgical Movement.

    I imagine there's probably any number of Catholic radio shows (at EWTN, at Ave Maria Radio, at Immaculate Heart Radio, etc.) that would be happy to include a music expert from CMAA among their occasional guests.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Ave Maria Radio is in fact trying to get a regular hour going on Sacred Music. I know Dr. Mahrt has been on Kathy Dugan's show; JT has; I was on it a couple of months ago. She was looking for someone, however, is would be willing to host a regular show...I'm sure she would be glad to hear from you.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Unfortunately we don't get Ave Maria Radio out this way. I'll have to look it up on line. We have Immaculate Heart Radio here. I will contact Kathy and check for audio files, however we need a larger audience EWTN Live, and Catholic Answers are broadcast on all or most of the local stations.

    Is there anyone on the forum that became interested in Catholicism because of Sacred Music and stayed because of the Eucharist?
    We could try to get you or your story on Marcus Grodi's the "Journey Home".

    I take care of a 90 year old woman who told me that she used to be Baptist. She converted to the Catholic faith in her teens. When she first hear Gregorian Chant it sounded odd to her but then she grew to love it. We sing some chant before bed every night, usually the Marian Chant of the season. Now she says that going to church was like attending her old protestant one, and she doesn't really like it.

    I think its little stories like this one that will get people to at least interested in going to a Mass with some chant or an EF Mass just to see what its all about.

    We need someone that can be dynamic, someone that can answer any question on Sacred Music and someone who isn't afraid to take a little push back without getting angry on the air.
    I love to do it, but I can not answer every question out there like Dr. Mahrt can.

    What we don't want is someone dry or monotone to represent. It'll just push people away.

  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @AOZ. I looked up Ave Maria Radio Hosts and did not find a Kathy Dugan. Can you help a brother out. You mentioned you were on the show. Was it actually Ave Maria Radio or an affiliate?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Is there anyone on the forum that became interested in Catholicism because of Sacred Music and stayed because of the Eucharist?

    Fr Z did something like this. He might even have connections to EWTN himself... I could ask him about it.
    Thanked by 1donr
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Thanks Ben, that would be great
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    next time I see him. I'm forgetfull, but I'll really try hard
  • TeresaH
    Posts: 53
    I have thought for a long time that EWTN needs a whole series on sacred music.
    Thanked by 2chonak francis
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    EWTN actually had a series on organ music. Where one person (?) went around to different churches and played various pieces on the different organs. They also have a choral series on at Christmas time. Sometimes I think these things do a dis-service more then they do good. You can not get the real feel of the organ from a TV. Its the same as looking at a 2 dimensional picture of a beautiful scene you took on vacation somewhere, but when you look back at it, it looks like just another picture. It can not capture the beauty that you saw with your eyes at that moment.

    I am just talking about a one time or infrequent talk about sacred music that will get the largest audience possible, sot that people might think to at least give it a chance. Maybe make a music director that is full of faith that listens to those programs that will at least think to look at a Comm Antiphon instead of On Eagles Wings, etc.

    We need someone, possibly Arch Bishop Samples, to go on these shows with Love and enthusiasm. Someone who can emit authority without being judgmental or condescending to the callers who will bash the speaker.

    I think that this would be our largest gain in the movement.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    If I remember right, the organ series was Diane Bish's show.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    There is a weekly show about church music on "The Catholic Channel" of Sirius radio, presented by Jennifer Pascual, music director at St. Patrick's Cathedral, NY.

    It might be good to produce a short TV series about church music: perhaps organized according to something like Fr. Christopher's Smith's commentary "Eight Myths About Church Music". But for the show to be good TV, it has to be more than talk.
    Thanked by 1donr
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Chonak, thanks for the link. I have reviewed it and will use some of it in my church's discussion on Sacred Music program.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    So do we have any takers yet?

    How about Adam Wood. His light hearted funny way about him might be perfect for something like this.

    Or anyone with a blog, facebook page, book, missal or ? that would like to promote it along side Sacred Music.

    Its time to put our money were our mouth is. I'm thinking it will take several months to actually get it done but I need volunteers.

    I can do most of the coordinating along with MaryAnn if she is interested.
    Thanked by 2Ben elaine60
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I believe MACW, AW and Kathy P. would be the best muskateers for information-based talk shows for broadcast.
    What EWTN owes, yes, owes its viewership is a sequential practicum series de- and re-constructing what we do and how we do it. Been preaching this to our own diocesan television station for decades (betcha didn't know Fresno's the last and only wholly diocesan owned independent broadcast station in the US. Weird, huh?)
    Thanked by 1Chris Allen
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I will host, write, appear as guest, or script funny poems for anything.
    I do not have the time to organize, fund raise, convince, cajole, or anything else that is required to take a pipe dream from a reality.
    Thanked by 1elaine60
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I will take the time to organize, fund raise, convince, cajole or anything that is required to take the pipe dream to a reality. I just need the "Talent" when I make it happen.

    I do sales its my job, but when I make it happen or start getting close I don't want egg on my face when I can not deliver what I promise.

    I will get to work then knowing that I have at least one taker. If anyone else is up for the challenge I would like to know.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Short features (under 5 min.), combining animated speakers with live-action backgrounds.

    Concept: The-Music-Doctor-Is-In. An animated Professor Bill solves problems, dispels myths, provides advice and points to Church teaching in response to questions from (also animated) beleaguered musicians, priests, and lay people. Problem situations and third-party complaints are depicted humorously in live-action footage.

    Themes: patience, charity, following the Church's ideals for sacred music. In plot lines, there is a mix of optimism and realism: some interventions are seen to produce marked improvement and some aren't; but doing the right thing and patiently improving the music is always a sign of hope and leads to happiness.
    Tag line: something like "the Mass deserves to be beautiful."
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    The problem is most of us are all eccentric. We need someone to plead our case who isn't as nuts as any of us are.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I resemble....
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @SkipR, have you ever heard "Catholic Answers Live" those guys are a little nuts but very funny and make good radio.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    @SkipR, have you ever heard "Catholic Answers Live" those guys are a little nuts but very funny and make good radio.

    I haven't heard the program, but I'd venture a guess that those who listen to it aren't the most in need of convincing.
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,208
    Now that "Car talk" is defunct and in reruns on NPR, how about "Choir talk"?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I believe JT has already been on CAL:

    There was also this one from someone from the Adoremus Bulletin:

    Also Jimmy Akin, one of the regular apologists frequently addresses Liturgy.

    Still, more could be done.
    Thanked by 1donr
  • Chonak and Giffen, I like your ideas.
    Melo, happy to be on a panel with those two any day.

    Skip- we might be nutty, but lots of us work with regular folks in the parish. We can give a lot of "shaaaaaring" in regards to success stories. I'd say the tip of the spear of our movement can be laced with beautiful, inspiring stories of average Catholics discovering and owning sacred music.

    Don, I'm happy to do what I can. I have some material, some ideas. I'd love to hear more. Lets keep this dream alive until something defined materializes.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • For my part, I will start chatting up Catholic Answers friends and acquaintances about sacred music and its role in evangelization and strengthening Catholic identity.

    When the Chant Camp video comes out, that's one good, unusual, accessible story I know of right away.

    Via pulchritudinis, anyone?
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @Earl, thank you for the links. I will listen to them tonight.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Now that "Car talk" is defunct and in reruns on NPR, how about "Choir talk"?

  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,208
    Or maybe "Choir chant"?
    Thanked by 1donr
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I listened to Catholic Answers with Jeffrey Tucker. It was pretty good. The callers were interesting. I thought there would be more people calling in that loved P&W music but there was really only one, sort of.
    Jeffrey did a good job of handling calls.

    Ok so it was a good start we need to do another one (this was last year) to keep the conversation going.

    Lets get someone else, let the listeners know that we are not going away but getting stronger.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Can you PM me your email?
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    better yet I'll just give it out: donr@difbeats.com
  • KARU27
    Posts: 184
    I've often thought that just short 1-minute segments on Catholic radio stations would be helpful. We have various things like "Lives of the Saints", something with Bishop Chaput (I think), One-minute Monk, etc. These don't seem too onerous to produce, and you'd have a captive audience between the regular Catholic programming. They could change out of every month or few weeks, and could focus on basic information, like "what are the Propers", "Why is Gregorian Chant the official music of the Latin Rite", things like that. People would just hear it over and over in the few-week span, and take it in without realizing it. I bet a lot of Catholic radio stations would be interested in that.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Maybe the place to begin is with a weekly podcast.
    Thanked by 2Heath CHGiffen
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @KARU27 Great Idea!!
    This is what I'm talking about. The issue of course would be they would want a "donation" to run the spots. I would be willing to record send in the spots unless someone else wants too. I will find out how much of a "donation" they would want and let you know. None of us are rich so I don't know if this would work. It does not hurt to find out though.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @Chonak, I like the idea of a weekly podcast but if we don't have a station to produce it, it might fall on deaf ears.
    Or maybe what you meant is we should do our own call-in radio show with out it being produced on the radio and post it hear on the site? Another great idea, it would cost effective and maybe we could give it to some stations to play down the road.
    All we would need are questions, someone to give the interview (this can be done over the phone), someone to interview, someone to record it and someone to post it. Not that hard to do, but some co-ordination will need to take place.

    Is there anyone in authority at CMAA that will approve this?

    Who should we interview first?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    There are a lot of options:
    * Format: interviews, listener questions, expository talk. How much scripted/unscripted?
    * Duration of episodes: 3 minutes? 28 minutes? Variable?
    * Distribution: internet? broadcast?
    * Personnel: the producers? the presenters? guests?
    * Duration of series: A fixed run? An indefinite run?

    There are a lot of ways to set about this. If the team doesn't include people with experience in audio production, they'll need some ramp-up time to learn the skills involved. During the first phase, the programs may not be polished enough to be offered for broadcast airing.

    You shouldn't have to pay for broadcast airing, once the programs are well-produced enough.

    CMAA is an initiative-friendly organization: you don't need permission to do something. If there's a project that deserves to be done, and you want to take it on, go for it. There's no need to present the program as a CMAA project. You can promote it here anyway.

    By the way, there are already plenty of Catholic podcasts, and at least one organization ("SQPN.com") promoting them together.

    Probably the outfit best positioned to do this out of the box is Corpus Christi Watershed, but they'd have to find donors to support the project.
  • Now that "Car talk" is defunct and in reruns on NPR, how about "Choir talk"?

    "Hi welcome back and we are talking to John in Kansas - what's up John?"
    "Hi guys and thanks for taking my call. I have well established a choir of boys and men; up unil now it has been entirely reliable, but just lately I am staring to hear some funny noises coming from the Altos"
    "Well John can you tell me what sort of a noise?"
    "Well it's a sort of" (clears throat) "whoooooowooo....whooooo sound"
    "Definitely a whoooo woo and not more like a wheeee..wha?"
    "No, just whoooooowooo....whooooo"
    "Ahh" (Sounds of teeth being sucked) "Well John, you probably know this anyway but I think your choir is getting Anglican Hoot"
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    There are a lot of options:
    * Format: interviews, listener questions, expository talk. How much scripted/unscripted?
    * Duration of episodes: 3 minutes? 28 minutes? Variable?
    * Distribution: internet? broadcast?
    * Personnel: the producers? the presenters? guests?
    * Duration of series: A fixed run? An indefinite run?

    I think we should first do a 15 sec commercial and 30 sec commercial to be presented on various radio stations about Sacred Music and the CMAA in an interview format.

    We should do a short interview of about 15 min with pointed questions and pithy answers; cut it up to make it short and sweet, add back ground music and someone to emc it.

    Its as easy as simply recording a phone conversation interview (with permission from all parties of course) and sending to one of us with editing software. I have such a software (Sonar) so I can do the editing unless someone else wants to do it.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    I think anything in the short 15 sec or 30 sec commercials should not be recorded over the telephone. Computer audio would be better than phone audio.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @SkippR I would agree, the sound quality would be much better at a sound board with a good quality microphone. I was just thinking ease of getting it done. Its much easier to get someone on the phone for an interview than to get someone out to a remote site.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Yes, indeed. You can get a decent 2 mic setup not too expensively:

    Small mixer, but with space for expandability - XENYX 1202 - $89 (4 mic inputs)
    Cheap Mics - Shure SM57 (or the 58) - $99
    Table Mic Stands - $10 (for each mic)
    XLR cables (mic to mixer) - $6 (for each mic)
    Mixer to computer cable - $5
    Headphones for producer - bring your own earbuds
    Adapter for standard headphones into the mixer - $3
    Audacity (GOOD audio software for PC) - Free

    Total for a small studio setup:
    2 mics: $327
    3 mics: $442
    4 mics: $556

    Of course, if you have a higher budget, you could make it nicer, starting with higher quality mics, and next, higher quality cables.

    If anyone seriously wants to get something like this going, let me know by PM, and I can get you links for the stuff and be a helping hand when you're getting it set up.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    I would agree, the sound quality would be much better at a sound board with a good quality microphone. I was just thinking ease of getting it done. Its much easier to get someone on the phone for an interview than to get someone out to a remote site.

    Sure. It would make sense to do the 15-minute interview over the phone, and I don't think such would be unusual for a radio audience. All I'm saying is when you move to a 15- or 30-second soundbyte, telephone-quality audio is no longer perceived as acceptable, unless the soundbyte is teasing the longer interview.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Thanks for the info Ben.

    FYI I already have 32 channel board, high quality studio mics, effects processors, music editing equipment and a small studio. The issue is for me is that I am very remote no one would want come to my studio to do a show or record a 30 ssc spot.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Oh, nice! Much nicer than what I proposed!
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Donr, do you have a phone studio interface? If you did a longer show, you could certainly do it. Definitely agree on the shorter spots over the phone: don't do it. I hear you can get a good one for around $150. You could also rig up something cheaper, but it might not be a good quality for air.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Ben, I'll need to look into it.