Please pray for the 84 children (45 boys and 39 girls) who will be attending Chant Camp at St. Anne Church in San Diego this week of July 8-12. The young people, ages 7-18, will be learning the sung prayer of the Church. Their efforts will culminate in a Solemn Mass (EF) on Friday, where they plan to sing Mass VIII, full Gregorian propers, several chant hymns, and a vernacular hymn (English) before and after the mass.
This year the parish is furthered honored to have the Bishop Cirilo Flores attending the mass in choir.
Please also pray for the teachers, as well, including myself. I had meant to get out a more formal announcement earlier, but life has its way of getting complicated. :)
Prayers and best wishes for a successful week, MaryAnn. Wish I lived nearby so my kids could be involved, but New York is quite a hike from San Diego. Hope somebody posts some videos along the way. What a wonderful program.
Have a great week, MaryAnn! What a treat for all those children!!
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
There is a video documentary being made, not my idea but I support it. (Only prob is, no one bought the "chin eraser" attachment I asked for... ah, vanity!)
Yesterday- Main choir (64 unchanged voices) sang Kyrie VIII, 2 verses Ave Maris stella, Salve Mater refrain, intro to Communion and Offertory. Acolytes (20 boys with changed voices) learned the Introit, Kyrie VIII, Salve Mater, and got started on the Alleluia. Great group of kids. Today more chant instruction and more rep. Please keep up the prayers.
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