With the Benedictus or Magnificat, the same rule about mode applies, but the solemn version of the psalm tone is used, and the introductory 'incipit' figure of the tone is used on every verse. (With psalms, it's used on every-other-verse.)
Just the first verse only, if I understand correctly. I haven't run across the incipit happening every other verse.
Oh, yes, sorry, I misspoke.
When the psalm tone has variant endings, the ending of the tone is selected so that it leads easily to the first note of the antiphon.
For chanting the Benedictus or Magnificat (which use the solemn tones), the incipit is sung for every verse.
Am I right in thinking it is also possible to chant the Benedictus and Magnificat non-solemnly, using the (or a) simple tone but starting every verse with the incipit?
I've gotten newbies to chant office psalms by leaving off the incipit. Works quite well.
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