Chant for Feast of St. Michael
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    I'm doing some music planning for the fall, and am focused on the feast of St. Michael right now. I'm familiar with the chants, "Te Splendor" and "Laus Erumpat," but have come across other texts for which I would like to find the chant notation. Does anyone have knowledge of where to find any of the following?

    Christe Qui Sedes Olympo
    Christe, Sanctorum decus Angelorum
    Magnum te Michaelem
    Mille Quem Stipant Solio Sedentem

    Any others I might not be aware of?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    Christe, Sanctorum decus Angelorum

    N.B. The above may not be the only melodies used.

    Did not find the other chants, in my quick look, but did find the following,

    Invicte Princeps Michael
    This is the Ambrosian Vespers Hymn and can be found in the book linked below:

    Tibi Christe, splendor Patris
    Dominican Vespers / Matins Hymn

    Te Sanctum Dominum
    In Cantus selecti

    Sarum : Ad celebres, Rex coelice
    This should be in the Sarum books will have to check

    Adam of St Victor: Laus erumpat ex affectu
    (This is in the book of Adam of St. Victor Sequences)

    O Heros invincibilis
    Sancte Michael archangele
    Both from Cantus Varii (Google Books)

    Of course there is the Analecta Hymnica (c. 50 volumes) I have seen Hymns for St. Michael...

    A search of the Cantus Database of ancient Manuscripts:
    N.B. You will need to check each Feast! and then the manuscripts etc.
    NN. B. This should have the other chants you were interested in...
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard R.
    Posts: 775
    The hymn, Christe, Sanctorum decus Angelorum, can be found in Cantus Selecti (Solesmes 1949), p. 216, no. 175.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Thanks so much, tomjaw and Richard R.! I see from the abundance of St. Michael chants on the Cantus Database, that a lone lifetime would probably not be enough to fit them all in. Time for me now to get lost in the database and do some music-spelunking! Thanks, both.