Colloquium XXIII recordings
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have captured the plenary lectures from the Colloquium on the recording archive. Other recordings will be arriving presently, but I don't have a lot of time in the coming week.

    Archbishop Sample's recording was the first to be added, of course.

    (Remember, if you have recordings you'd like to add to the archive, please contact me.)
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    The Colloquium Audio Archive Page now includes the opening and closing remarks, and Lauds for each day.

    Yes, I realize that we're all awaiting the Mass recordings more than anything. But those aren't likely to be done this week. I'm waiting until I get home, have better bandwidth, dual monitors, and more time. The advantage of the recordings posted thus far is that they don't require as much processing.

    I appreciate your patience. And thank you to all who have already contacted me about submitting recordings.
  • labounsky
    Posts: 2
    How dedicated you are to have made all these recording. And your Wednesday evening session was great. I'm looking forward to reading the results.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have now added Sunday's Mass to the Recording Archive. I'd appreciate any help you might have in filling the question marks.
    Thanked by 1Jani
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added Tuesday's Mass to the Recording Archive.
    Thanked by 1Jani
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    Carl, the missing Communion motet is O Jesu Christe.

    That was my group :)
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added Wednesday's Mass to the archive. I think that's it for now.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Thank you, Jani. Composer?
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    Jacquet de Berchem.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 876
    I appreciate the resource!
    Thanked by 1Carl D
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added the Saturday Mass to the archive.
    Thanked by 2chonak CHGiffen
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added the Friday Mass to the archive.
    Thanked by 2chonak CHGiffen
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added the Friday Vespers to the archive.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    For the Requiem Mass on Thursday, I notice that there's a couple of pieces which were added to the lineup. Does anyone know what they were?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    wow wow wow

    Everyone look and listen to this!
    Thanked by 1Carl D
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I have added Charles Cole's Organ Recital to the archive.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Thanks to everyone who's giving me updates, corrections, and additional recordings! This is awesome!
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I've now added a whole bunch of things to the last section of the archive. This includes the ability to play some lectures right there on the web page - rather than downloading them to your PC which can take a long time. I also have the recording of the Follies on Thursday night.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,214
    Thank you, Carl!

    As a matter of curiosity, just how many of the Laudate Dominum compositions came within the three minute maximum length requirement? The recording of the Michael DeSaye at the Sunday Mass runs four and a half minutes. I haven't had time to listen to all of the submissions yet.
    Thanked by 1Carl D
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    Will there be a possibility to download the Colloquium recordings in ZIP files for each day as was the case in previous years?
    Thanked by 1Carl D
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Does anybody have recordings of the final Mass which were located at the back of the church? I'm finding that some of the songs are a bit muddy because my recorder was at the front.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Yes, Protasius, I'll be working on that. Huge files, though, so they take a long time to transfer. And create in the first place.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    You might notice, Charles, that I didn't attempt to create a nice pretty version of each song. This is partially because I don't have a copy of the scores, and it takes a long time to do that. It took me nearly a day to do the processing for those new compositions as it was, because I found out that they went over several of the compositions on multiple days.

    So the answer is that I don't know.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Protasius, the download instructions are now on this page here. The zip files are uploading, and with luck, will be done by tomorrow morning.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Thanks to Michael Wooden, I was able to capture Dr Alise Brown's great talk on The Ward Method. Well worth a listen!