favorite liber app for android?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Post your favorite liber app for android! Cost, usability, features...
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I recently saw a priest with the liber app for his iPhone, and it sure beats the 2200 pg pdf that I currently have on my phone...
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765
    I'm waiting, too.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I can hardly believe there's more than one to choose from.
    You kids these days don't know how good you have it.
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    My dad has LiberPro on his iPhone, that's all I can say. He loves it... and paid $15 for it.

    It appears to be just a scan of the Liber, but I would love an interactive one, where you wouldn't have to "turn" to the next page to continue the same chant, and that the scroll was continuous... (at least that's how his app seems to me). If others have more opinions, that would great to hear.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    In my day, I had to download the Liber PDF to my Android phone and page through it with Amazon Kindle! No, wait, that's how I do it now. But I'd rather use the Graduale '61 'cause the scores are clearer. But really, a Liber Brevior is better than a phone for this purpose.
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    There isn't one for Android is there?
    I've tried reading the pdf through Adobe's Reader on my phone, but it's not very convenient.
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    It would help if the liber was split into different files for the kyriale, chants for the office and the propers.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Chonak, It's more for reference and practice than Mass use. I would only be using it for Mass if absolutely necessary.

    Hartley, great idea. I have the capability to do so, and if I do, I'll post a link to the results.
    Thanked by 3veromary Ally CHGiffen