Free Training Video: How do I use GABC to make Gregorian chant scores?
  • This may prove helpful to those wishing to create Gregorian chant scores:

    Free Training Video: How do I use Gregorio?

    Let's face it, code can be scary!
    Thanked by 2TheUbiquitous MHI
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Oh dear, no one will come to my spiel at the Colloquium now. Or if anyone comes, we'll just play your video.

  • Your fault, for making such a user-friendly interface !

  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Obviously, RC, you're going to have to bring Grumpy Cat to your presentation to try to outdo JMO's little helper.
  • Any chance of someone making a "syllabiser" that also adds in empty parentheses?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I've wondered about this as well.I thought I saw one a while back and used it on AOZ's psalm collection, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
  • If of interest:

    Sunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart (Third Sunday after Pentecost): Introit.

    RE(f)(!fg)spi(f)ce(f) in(fg) me(gff) *(,) et(fd~) mi(f)se(g)re(ixgi)(hs'gs)re(g_f) me(f)i,(ixf_e/ghwi) Do(f)mi(f_g_f_)ne:(f.)(;) quo(ix)(f!gwh'/i)ni(h)am(h) u(jjk)ni(j)cus(j.) (,) et(jh~) pau(jlk)per(j_i) sum(jlk) e(kjjh)go:(h.)(:) vi(h)de(j) hu(h)mi(h/jjj)li(g)ta(g/jjh)tem(g) me(fge/f_d)am,(d.c.) (;) et(c/df~) la(ffe)bo(ixeg!h/iGF')rem(g) me(ff/gf)um:(f.) (:) et(f) di(f)mit(gf/hg)te(f_e) (,) o(fff)mni(dc)a(c.) pe(cd)cca(ffg)ta(g) me(ff/gf)a,(f.e.) (;) De(ixgih)us(hj/HG'hwiHGf) me(fg!h/GFg)us.(g.f.) Ps.(::) Ad(fg) te(gf) Do(gh)mi(h)ne(h) le(h)-va(h)vi(g) a(ixi)ni(h)mam(h) me(g)am:(f.) *(:) De(f)us(gh) me(hj)us(g), in(f) te(f) con(f)fi(f)do(f'), non(g) e(fd)ru(f')be(g)scam.(f.) (::)

    Sunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart (Third Sunday after Pentecost): Gradual.

    JA(ehf)cta(efED.) *(,) co(e)gi(fh)ta(h)tum(hf~) tu(hi/kkvI'Gijh/hg) um(h.) (,) in(h) Do(hi/jk)mi(j)no,(i.) (;) et(h) ip(i)se(h) te(h_g/h_g/hj/IG'hvF'E/f/fe/ff) (,) (ef/hh/hfhvhvGF/he/fvEDe.d.) (;) e(e.fgwh!i/H/E./f'/gef)nu(cd)tri(e)et.(e./ih/i.e.) (,) (igi/jkIG.hig'/hvF'Ef_gf/fe.) V/(::) Dum(e) cla(hh)ma(hi)rem(hh/ig'/hif/fe.) (,) ad(eh) Do(hi)mi(i)num,(ijI'Hl_k/jlk/k/iji.) (:) e(f)xau(hh)di(hi)vit(hh/ig'/hif/fe.) (,) vo(hh)cem(h) me(hv./gh/ih/ij)am(i.) (;) ab(i) his(ikj/ikJI'ig/hih/if/fe.) (;) qui(ef) ap(e)pro(ef)pin(e)quant(e!f'h) * mi(hv./gh/ihi)hi.(i.e.) (,) (igi/jki./jkJ'Ijh/iig./hig'/hvFE'/fde.) (,) (hhvF'EfvDB.ehf/gf/fe.) (::)

    Transcribed from a Liber Brevior. Inspired by the good folks at Corpus Christi.
  • @BenYanke

    What might be better would be a way to hyphenate using parentheses. I just spent a good bit of polishing time removing the hyphens, anyway.

    Yeah, I guess I could do it in Word, with Find and Replace. But still.

    The Latin lyrics link provided does precisely that. Well, shoot!
  • bbloomf
    Posts: 70
    I would have thought that the GABC transcription tool I wrote some years ago would be a bit simpler, as it supports both Latin and English, and provides a reasonably good realtime preview of what the chant will look like. The English syllabification depends on juiciobrennan's site (and was actually broken, but your video inspired me to fix it) so it can take a few seconds for it to get syllabified, but if you type in all the text before starting on the GABC, this shouldn't be a problem. It also has a generate PDF link at the upper right.

    On that site, you can just type in the text in the textarea on the left, and then type in what GABC would be in parentheses on the right separated by spaces

    If you need finer control, you can click "Show integrated GABC" to show the textbox with the actual GABC with all the parentheses, and in this view, pressing TAB should move the cursor to the next set of parentheses, which should also be helpful at times. Shift+TAB will move to the previous set of parentheses.