Looking for score for Communion antiphon Videns Dominus
  • On the advice of Sven over at Euouae, I am working through Dom Gregory Murray's Gregorian Chant According to the Manuscripts. The musical supplement unfortunately uses modern music notation to compare to St. Gall. Why it doesn't use Solesmes is anyone's guess, I guess. Most everything is in the L.Usualis, of course, but there is one Communion Antiphon that appears not to be, Videns Dominus. Does anyone know where I might get the score?

    Many thanks.

  • And, while I am at it, Antiphons Cum Facis and Tu autem (1st), Ego Autem (4th, different from the one in the 3rd mode) Qui sitit (4th), and Thesaurizate vobis (4th).

    Many thanks for any help you can provide.

  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,002
    CO Videns Dominus: Graduale Romanum (1974) 124
    AN Cum facis: Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 334
    AN Tu autem: AM 335
    AN Ego autem ad Dominum: AM 218
    AN Qui sitit: Antiphonale Monasticum I (2005) 268
    AN Thesaurizate vobis: AM 333 (AM1 128 renders it slightly different)
  • Now THAT would be a answer, and thank you very much.

    Always a new volume or two to track down.

    Thanks again.

  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Hi Kenneth,

    Murray uses modern notation in an attempt to reconcile the Vatican edition (which shows only the melody as understood in the 19th century, and not the rhythm of the 9th century) with the earliest chant manuscripts (which show most of the rhythm, but not exact pitch). The system isn't perfect, but it does allow him to show some of the variants found in the manuscripts (for example, one long note in place of two short notes or vice versa).

    Be warned that Murray bases his readings on the melodies of the Vatican edition. You will generally find it easier to reconcile the rhythm of the manuscripts with the melodic restitutions found in the Graduale Novum.

    Finally, take his interpretation of the torculus as short-short-long with a grain of salt as well as Columba Kelly's "debunking" of said theory. In reality, the interpretation of the torculus requires an understanding of the context, not just the graphic evidence alone.
  • This text (Thesaurizate) also sits as the Magnificat antiphon for Ash Wednesday. Any idea where I can find it, since I think it's not the same as the antiphon mentioned hereabove?
  • Hawkins,

    I read just enough German to decipher that there are two different melodies both listed as for the Magnificat antiphon on Ash Wednesday: T2 and ZW, but I lack the background to discriminate between them. How would someone who knew more than I do on this point make the distinction?