I'm thinking of holding a retreat day for my singers in August to kick off our return to the choral season, right before the Assumption. Does anyone else do something like this?
I'm thinking 9-3, with a morning session for a speaker (probably the pastor), time for reflection and discussion, a morning Office prayed/sung together and then lunch. Followed by an outdoor walk (weather permitting), a 2nd speaker and/or a time for spiritual reading and/or ?????, closing with singing a few favorites from the past year and concluding prayer.
Any ideas? Suggestions? Books to read or passages useful for reflection?
I totally agree that a retreat/workshop is a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, in my parish, we've offered free voice lessons, free chant workshops and retreats over and over. My singers want to come, sing, and leave. The last chant workshop I tried had 2 people show up. Free voice lessons had 5 people show up. It's a shame, really. I guess it really depends on the people of a particular parish. I work for a small, country parish where people go to work and go to church and are poorly educated and have no desire to be educated. I guess it is what it is. Good luck. Again, I think workshops are a great idea.
Don't expect a large turnout. Provide lunch. Have people sign up b/c you are providing lunch.
I did the following last year and thought it fairly successful... 1) simplified version of the liturgy of the hours (morning prayer) for the day. 2) speaker on some issue which is affecting your choir (excellent resource and brilliant mind on theology for ours) 3) choir rehearsal where we learned a new short motet for Mass. 4) lunch and prayer before the blessed sacrament 5) speaker 6) choir rehearsal 7) speaker
Do you have a monastic community within driving distance? Perhaps a half day that included participating in their Daily Office or Mass would be possible. Many monastic communities both allow visitors to prayer and also have meeting/retreat facilities.
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