It has been almost two choir seasons since the new translations...
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    And I would love to (once again) know your opinions about your favourite Mass setting. We have only been using the ICEL chant and the Gregorian Masses. I am considering approaching my pastor with an English Mass setting for the fall but I would prefer it was very good and had a through composed Gloria. Has anyone' opinion changed over the years? Thanks again.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    I'm still enamored by JMO's Mass in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I've liked Aristotle Esguerra's Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, especially his new harmonization that he just finished.

    I also REALLY like the Sherwin Mass, but I've never used it with a congregation, so I can't really make an honest comment on actual usability.
  • hcmusicguy
    Posts: 63
    We've been using LeBlanc's Mass in Honor of St. Benedict (LitPress) with much success, as well as the revised Heritage Mass. We tried DeBruyn's Mass of the Resurrection briefly last summer, and abandoned it. I have found most all of the OCP settings to be lacking (Belmont is good, but not in our books. We'll be switching from Breaking Bread to either Worship IV or Gather III later this year, and I plan to introduce at some point the revised People's/Danish and/or Deutsche Eucharistic Acclamations (all found in both W and G). I'd also eventually like to bring in the ICEL chants. We use Fr. Chepponis' Festival Alleluia from time to time (usually for special occasions as we did this past weekend), and I'm happy to see that it's made it into Worship.

    I'm sure they'd like to see me bring back Mass of Creation but I'm in no hurry to do so whatsoever. We'll also be subscribing to Celebrating the Eucharist missalette (with music), and I'll readily consider some of the other settings found there.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Richard Rice's Mass of the Sacred Heart has done very well. The Gloria is pretty tricky, but folks are getting the hang of it. We are introducing Sherwin in the Fall.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    The St. Ralph Sherwin Agnus Dei is catching on nicely here. I use it along with the ICEL chants.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • Andrew Motyka
    Posts: 946
    I've used Liturgical Press' Psallite Mass in a previous parish, and plan on introducing it in my current one, as well. If you can get past some of the goofiness in some alternate settings, there is great example in this Mass. I first found out about it from Adam Wood's review of Masses.

    It is set to simple chant tones which are beautifully harmonized. It can be used accompanied or a cappella. It is incredibly easy, but not tiresome. It can be sung in English, Latin, or Spanish. For me, this is a big draw since we have a lot of Archdiocesan events that make some use of Spanish.

    Finally, in my experience, the people loved it. I used it in a parish that was not particularly "traditional" or "progressive," if I might use those labels, but the people ate it up. I had brides requesting it at their weddings.

    On a practical/cynical note, it's great for the summer because it's short to sing.
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood canadash
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Finally, in my experience, the people loved it. I used it in a parish that was not particularly "traditional" or "progressive," if I might use those labels, but the people at it up. I had brides requesting it at their weddings.

  • Russell Weissmann's Mass for All Saints Gloria is the new favorite at my Parish.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    As I may have already mentioned elsewhere, after two plus years with Royce Nickel's fine "Mass of Therese of Liseaux," and augmenting that with JMO's "Sherwin" Glory, we've moved completely to Chris Mueller's "Missa Tertione..." However, that was a tough call with Richard J. Clark's amazing "Mass of the Angels." (We do use the "Alleluia" from that.") We'll use the Clark when we host diocesan liturgies for sure. I'd also like to encourage choirs to consider Dr. O'Shea's "Mass of the Mediatrix."
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    If you can get past some of the goofiness in some alternate settings, there is great example in this Mass.

    I don't understand what an alternate setting is.

    Thanks for all of your suggestions!
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    Our diocesan setting was Janco's Mass of Wisdom (WLP), which has held up pretty well.

    I'll be introducing Aristotle's Mass in honor of Our Lady of Good Help (can never remember that title, however!) this summer, and probably Laura Lea Duckworth's Mass of St. Francis, published by ILP in the Fall.

    For our contemporary choirs, currently Janco's revised Mass of Redemption is in the lead.
  • Priestboi
    Posts: 155
    Hi there!

    The Sherwin Mass is a must, the congregation I worked with two years ago caught on really well, really quickly. Instead of using old faithful - Missa de Angelis- try Missa Orbis Factor, as it is really easy and tuneful. There is also the Bl. Valfre Mass which is very beautiful modern melody for the latin text. If you would like a copy, then just send me a quick email.
  • Andrew Motyka
    Posts: 946
    I don't understand what an alternate setting is.

    Ah. I should have been clearer. There are a few goofy things in the full version. There are several settings of the Penitential Act, and one is much better than the others. There are a couple of Agnus Dei's, and their odd fixation on the "Berakah Prayer" strikes me as bizarre.

    All that said, the Gloria, Sanctus, Mystery of Faith, Amen, and even the Creed(!) are excellent and very useful settings.