Propers for Votive Masses - OF
  • bricehbriceh
    Posts: 4
    Hello ya'll!

    Where can one find the proper introit, alleluia verse, offertory antiphon, and communion antiphon for votive Masses in the OF? (As a side note, do votive Masses exist in the EF?)

    I cannot find them in the Gregorian Missal. My goal is to use (at least for now) the antiphons and psalms from the Simple English Propers (which, of course, has the same translations as the English in the Gregorian Missal).

    Thanks a lot!
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    For the Votive Masses you have to spring for the full-blown Graduale Romanum (or a copy of the Ordo Cantus Missae with the I-think-public-domain EF Graduale Romanum).

    If there's a specific Votive Mass you're curious about, just tell us and I will gladly give you the propers prescribed (or perhaps someone else here will beat me to it!).

    Just beware, many - but not all of them - are set in the SEP. There's a certain ambitious young man around here by the name of Ben Y who would probably set it for you, though...
    Thanked by 2briceh canadash
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    You will find at least some if not all Votive Masses for the OF in the Graduale Triplex, and yes there are Votive Masses in the EF.
    Thanked by 1briceh
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    If you're looking for specs on some particular one of the votives, ask; and one of us can look it up. You can probably find the pieces in the 1961 Graduale (PDF here).
    Thanked by 1briceh
  • bricehbriceh
    Posts: 4
    Thanks a lot!

    Today, I'm particularly looking for the votive Mass for Our Lady, Mother of the Church.

    Now, in the future, once I obtain a copy of the Graduale Romanum and I find the appropriate texts there, are there approved English translations anywhere. Are you saying, Skirp, that most are in the SEP, but scattered throughout because they are shared with other feasts and the like? If that's the case, I understand that those are official translations as they come from Solesmes.

    The parishes with which I work are not yet ready for full-blown Gregorian Chant or even more than a very little plainchant in Latin, but I'm pretty sure that it would not be appropriate to translate the Graduale myself (with my limited Latin skills, to boot) and use that text for the Sacred Liturgy.
  • bricehbriceh
    Posts: 4
    Also, ya'll, where is the best place from which to purchase a copy of the Graduale Romanum? It doesn't seem to be the sort of book readily available on a site like
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    You can purchase the Graduale from Paraclete Press.

    As for the English, you might find some on Fr. Samuel Weber's site (there's link on the MusicaSacra website on the Chant Books tab).

    Please note that the titles of the Masses given in the Graduale Romanum are often completely different than those given in the Missal. Often the texts of the Entrance and Communion Antiphons are completely different, too. There is no votive Mass of Mary, Mother of the Church in the Graduale. Here are some propers for the Votive Masses of our Lady from the GR.

    If the Mass is during Easter-tide the Propers are as follows (Alleluias are added to the antiphons):

    Introit: Salve, sancta Parens
    (Alleluia: Virga Iesse floruit)
    Offertory: Beata es, Virgo Maria
    Communion: Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis

    In Ordinary Time (Tempus per annum) there are three options; this is the first (A)

    Introit: Salve, sancta Parens
    (Gradual: Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis)
    (Alleluia: Virga Iessa floruit)
    Offertory: Ave, Maria, gratia plena
    Communion: Beata viscera Mariae Virginis

    I believe all of these are in the Simple English Propers (except the Gradual/Alleluia).

    I hope this helps.

    Thanked by 1briceh
  • bricehbriceh
    Posts: 4
    Thanks a lot, Henry and thanks a lot to everyone else. This was helpful. May God bless and keep all of you!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    I wouldn't characterize the Solesmes translations as "official", since they were published in the Gregorian Missal as an aid to understanding; they were never intended to be set to music and sung in the liturgy. They didn't go through the normal process for approval of liturgical translations through the bishops' conference and the Holy See.

    However, they can be considered approved for singing because they were used in the Vatican II Hymnal (2011) and approved by the publisher's local bishop; the USCCB liturgy office treats anything approved by one bishop as approved nationally.
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    I have compiled a number of votive mass propers from the SEP and FEP collections. I can put them into pdfs for you and post them here in the next 24 hours or so.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Hello... I am looking for the propers for Votive Mass No. 5 for "The Most Holy Eucharist"

    Entrance Antiphon: The Lord opened the gates of heaven,
    and rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them bread from heaven: man ate the bread of angels.

    Communion Antiphon: I am the living bread,
    that came down from heaven, says the Lord.
    Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever,
    and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.

    If anyone knows where I could find these, it would be much appreciated. I was not able to locate them on Fr. Samuel Weber's site, thought I did find the antiphons for Corpus Christi which mass may also be used for a First Holy Communion mass, though I am fairly certain we will be using the Votive mass this year.

    Thanks in advance for any help.