Marian hymn...
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    I' m looking for the tune for a hymn called "Marian Hymn". The meter is 11 11 11 11 doubled. The first line is "Our Lady who art our perpetual aid..."

    This is for a friend in India whose priest is sure the people are singing it "wrong"... I've looked around but have not found anything... Thoughts?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    It sounds generally reminiscent of this 8 8 8 8 novena hymn:

    "O Mother of Perpetual Help,
    to thee we come imploring help,
    behold us here, from far and near
    to ask of thee our help to be"

    Maybe we should go a little more high-tech: your friend in India can use a phone to record the hymn, e-mail the recording to you, we can post it on the forum, and members across the world can scratch their heads and say, "what's that"?
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    Thanks Chonak... I'll see if anyone has any suggestions, and if not, I'll suggest this to him. I asked him to find it on YouTube, but he couldn't.