For our EF Confirmation, we did a chant to the Holy Ghost, "Qui Procedis." Our copy had 18 verses, but I saw a different copy of text only, that had an additional 8 or so verses. Does anyone have access to the complete version? Our final 2 verses were: "O juvamen oppressorum, O solamen miserorum, Pauperum refugium, Da contemptum terrenorum, ad amorem supernorum trahe desiderium!"
Here are the additional verses that I am missing the chant notation for (excuse my mistakes with capitalization):
"Consolator et fundator, Habitator et amator cordium humilium, Pelle mala, terge sordes, et discordes fac concordes, et affer praesidium.
Tu qui quondam visitasti, Docuisti, confortasti timentes discipulos, visitare nos digneris; Nos, si placet, consoleris et credentes populos.
Par majestas personarum, Par potestas est earum, et communis Deitas: Tu, procedens a duobus, coaequalis es ambobus; In nullo disparitas.
Quia tantus es et talis quantus Pater est et qualis; Servorum humilitas Deo Patri, Filioque Redemptori, tibi quoque laudes reddat debitas. Amen."
I have re-typeset several of these Sequences, I hope to set all of them eventually, in a more user friendly edition, ie. with no clef position changes, and the Latin written with the 'modern' spellings as found in the Liber etc.
Metrical translations in English are also available for these Sequences.
References to the book of Translations, and to another book of sequences can be found in this thread, it also includes one of the sequences I have re-typeset.
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