Crowder's "Requiem"
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    Strange I missed this last year, but here's the story. I'd be interested in hearing what this forum has to say about this album. Maybe about the music itself, but more so on what it means that "a Requiem Mass is the number 2 album in the world. That’s right – Album, not Christian album. Nestled comfortably between Adele’s 21 and Snow Patrol’s Fallen Empires". I mean our Benedictine nuns at Ephesus hit the top of the Classical Charts, but here's something different. Matt Maher guest stars. I don't think Crowder converted.

    For me, the Requiem has always been a point of reference and a kind of magnet.

    First three tracks:
    "Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis, Domine"
    "Oh Great God, Give Us Rest"
    "Lux Aeternam Shine"
    There's a seven-track sequence.

    “It’s more a lack of complexity,” explains Crowder. “What’s majestic and beautiful about a lot of the older liturgy that we’ve maybe misplaced is that that it feels transcendent. Many times the liturgy was like a journey. You couldn’t just pop in for half the service and get everything. You know, you can pop in a lot of contemporary services and not be very confused by any of it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but, it’s like the show Lost. The reason that show was so attractive was because there was an exploration that it demanded of you. You couldn’t understand everything that was really happening. I think there’s something very attractive about worship where everything is hinging on mystery, and it’s a difficult thing to put your head around. It’s more complex. here