Here is a catalog of the hymn translations I have made so far from Latin to English, listed with their usage, according to the Liber Hymnarius.
Most are not on the internet, for various reasons. If you need one of these for your parish or other institution, drop me a line (email on sidebar) and I'll send you the text.
I really enjoy translating these. I feel like the discoverer of pristine cave paintings, and am learning so much about our Catholic culture.
A Solis Ortus Cardine: Christmastide, Lauds Ad cenam Agni provide: Eastertide, Vespers Adorna, Sion, thalamum: Presentation, Lauds Adoro Te Devote Aeterna caeli Gloria: Lauds Friday Aeterna Christi munera, Several Martyrs, Lauds Aeterne rerum Conditor, Sunday Lauds Aeterne rerum conditor...mare, Guardian Angels, Readings Agnes beata virginis, St Agnes, Lauds Anglorum iam Apostolus, St Gregory the Great, Lauds Antra deserti, Birth of SJB, Readings Apostolorum passio, Sts Peter and Paul, Lauds Aptata, virgo lampade, One Virgin, Lauds Auctor perennis gloriae, Sat, Readings, Day Aurea luce, Sts Peter and Paul, 1 Vespers Aurora iam spargit, Lauds, Saturday Aurora lucis rutilat, Eastertide Lauds Aurora velut fulgida, Assumption, Readings Beata Dei genetrix, Birth of BVM, Vespers Christe pastorum, One Pastor, Readings Consors paternis luminis, Morning Readings, Tuesday Custodes hominum, Guardian Angels, Vespers Deus Creator Omnium, Sunday Vespers Deus tuorum, One Martyr, Vespers II Dulci depromat carmine, One Virgin, Readings Excelsam Pauli Gloriam, Conversion St Paul, Vespers Gaudium mundi, Assumption, Vespers Haec est dies, St Teresa of Avila, Vespers Haec femina, One Holy Woman, Readings Iesu corona celsior, One Holy Man, Lauds Iesu, corona virginum, Virgins, Vespers Iesu, redemptor omnium, One Holy Man, Vespers II In caelesti collegio, St Francis, Lauds Inclitus rector, One Pastor, Lauds Iste Confessor, St Martin of Tours, Vespers Martyr Dei, One Martyr, Lauds Nocti succedit lucifer, Sts Joachim + Anne, Lauds Nunc tempus acceptabile, Lent, Readings O Gloriosa Domina, BVM, Lauds Orbis Patrator optime, Guardian Angels, Lauds Petrus beatus, Chair of Peter, Lauds Primo dierum omnium, Sunday Readings Regis superni nuntia, St Teresa of Avila, Lauds Stabat Mater Dolorosa, OLSorrows Virginis virgo venerande custos, St John Evangelist, Readings
This is my first time on this site, and my first post, so I'm not sure this will be successful. I looked for an email address on the sidebar but didn't find one. In any case I am very interested in English translations of Latin hymns, in particular for 'Virginis virgo venerande custos' for St John the Evangelist. Thanks!
High virgin guardian of the Blessed Virgin, Honored as herald of the Word Eternal, Cleanse us your servants from our sins and failings, St. John, Beloved.
You drank in plenty from that running fountain Flowing forever from the Heart eternal Now from your own heart, fountains flow abounding, quenching the parched earth.
You, earth’s renown, you bright star in the heavens, Gain, we implore you, favor for the fallen. Give us new wisdom. Help us pierce the myst’ries That you have taught us.
In contemplation of the Father’s secret, Seeing His Word, you filled the world with graces, Bring us to see Him, joy and endless beauty. Good leader, lead us.
Honor unending be to Christ forever, Who was incarnate of the Virgin Mary Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit Reigns through the ages.
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