At the Good Friday liturgy at the Vatican with Pope Francis, the first mode antiphon Diviserunt sibi (Ps. 22 [21], 19) was sung as Communion Antiphon, with verses from Psalm 22 (21):
"They divide my clothing among them, they cast lots for my robe". It's a wonderful text to be used as an antiphon on Good Friday, and - though the liturgical books only suggest using Psalm 22 (21) without giving specific texts for any antiphons – this might form a good example to follow.
However, I wonder where this particular chant comes from. So far, I could only find the same text set to another, eight mode melody, used as second antiphon ad matutinum in I nocturno of Feria sexta in Passione et Morte Domini (Good Friday), see Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae (1957), p. 201:
Where did the Vatican take its antiphon from? Is this a new composition, just like we saw at the opening Mass of the Year of Faith? Any ideas?
I know it's the same one because it's also in Mode VIII. It is taken from a responsory from Matins on Good Friday, which earlier Graduals suggested for music during distribution of Holy Communion on Good Friday. The current Graduale suggests simply Psalm 22. There's no reason not to use both.
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