• CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Following in Ben's illustrious footsteps, what are you folks doing for Easter Vigil?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Lumen Christi/Deo Gratias, Exsultet sung by Deacon, Psalms by Esguerra and Oost-Zinner, a modern Gloria I'd rather not name, Alleluia from Graduale Simplex, Litany of the Saints, Vidi Aquam, Veni Sancte Spiritus, Alleluia Sing to Jesus, Missal chants, Alleluia proper for Communion with verses in Latin, The Strife is O'er, Christ the Lord is Risen Today.
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Ad Vigilam Paschalem in Nocte Sancta (OF) Schola & Coro
    Lumen Christi & Exultet, Canticle 1: Jubilate Deo; Psalms in English & Spanish; Canticle 6
    "Sicut cervus" ... Palestrina
    Gloria VIII
    Triple Alleluias w/ Confitemini ... Graduale
    Litaniae Sanctorum; "Vidi aquam" ... Graduale
    Offertory: "Dextera Domini" ... Graduale, followed by motet: "Resucito" ... Gerardo Castro
    Sanctus & Agnus Dei VIII
    Communio: "Pascha nostrum" w/ Psalm 117/118 ... Graduale (R. Rice) followed by Psalm 150: Laudate Dominum w/ Paschal Alleluias, Tone 6
    Retiring Procession: "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" ... EASTER HYMN
    Postlude: "Heut' triumphieret Gottes Sohn" ... J. S. Bach
  • St. Mary of the Assumption, Pine Bluff, Wis.

    Christ our light/Thanks be to God
    Exsultet sung by cantor
    Psalms I, II, III, VIIb (no baptism): Esguerra
    Gloria: Simplex (Proulx)
    Alleluia Psalm: Mode VIII triple Alleluia based on the Paschal dismissal (Graduale Simplex/Lectionary)
    Sprinkling of Water: I saw water flowing (Roman Missal)
    Offertory: The right hand of the Lord (SEP)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Mystery of Faith: "Save us…" (Missal)
    Lord's Prayer: English (US Missal)
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Christ, our Paschal Lamb (SEP); Hoc corpus (Robledo); Christus factus est (Anerio)
    Recessional: Regina cœli (Lotti)

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I've never been to an Easter Vigil without a baptism. I'm wondering how many folks are at parishes with no baptisms vs. many baptisms.
  • No baptisms here for the first time in at least a decade. (And I was so looking forward to adding Kateri Tekakwitha in the Litany of the Saints...)

    Our (new) priest is attempting to learn the Exhaustet er, Exsultet in the (new) English version. He claims it is quite different from the version back home, in Sri Lanka.

    Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today will be played on our donated Roland Plug-In piano. On the "Pipe Organ" setting. I could just weep. Church mice got to our Allen. >Sob!<
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Mass ordinary VIII de Angelis

    Exultet - MR3
    Alleluia - Graduale Romanum
    Litany of Saints - MR3/Samuel Weber OSB
    Antiphon: Springs of water - Samuel Weber OSB
    I saw water - Samuel Weber OSB
    Offertory: The right hand of the Lord - Lumen Christi Missal
    -Zwycieza smierci
    Communion: Alleluia - Mozart (round, based on Exultate Jubilate)
    -Festival Canticle - Richard Hillert
    -Wstal Pan Chrystus
    -Zlocie troski
    Recessional: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (arr. George Oldroyd)
    Postlude: Fanfare - Kenneth Leighton
  • Easter Vigil
    Exsultet - Chanted
    Gloria: A Community Mass - Proulx
    Litany of the Saints: Becker
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water - Nestor
    Offertory: O Love of God, How Strong and True - Arr. McCarthy
    Communion: I Received the Living God - Proulx
    Recessional: Christ the Lord is Ris'n Again - Christ Ist Erstanden
    Choral Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus - Handel
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    Great Vigil of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
    Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX
    (15415 Red Robin Road---off of Babock, for those interested in attending)
    8 o'clock in the evening

    Exsultet: chanted by our pastor, Rev. Father Christopher G. Phillips

    Ordinary: Communion Service in F-Darke

    Dialog between priest and people: chanted

    Holy Communion:
    Alleluia-Randall Thompson
    Sicut Cervus (select singers)-Palestrina
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (tune: Lyra Davidica)

    Choral postlude: Hallelujah Chorus-Handel

    All who desire to worship with us this weekend are most graciously invited.
  • St. Barbara Catholic Church
    Powell, Wyoming
    Music provided by the Sarto Schola

    Exsultet: chanted by cantor
    OCP psalms after 1st, 3rd, and 5th readings (we are only doing #1, 3, 5, and 7)
    Sicut Cervus/Sitivit Anima Mea after 7th reading
    OCP alleluia
    Litany of saints led by two cantors
    Alleluia acclamation after each baptism
    Vidi Aquam - Latin antiphon and verses, then English ICEL antiphon 2nd time thru
    Offertory: SEP antiphon; Ye Sons and Daughters
    Communion: SEP antiphon & verses; "Alleluia! Christ is Risen; an Easter song of Little Russia"; This Joyful Eastertide
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Postlude: Alle Psallite

    Ordinary: Heritage Mass
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    St. David of Wales, Richmond CA

    chanted Exsultet
    Praise the Lord, O my soul solo motet by George Jeffries
    Dominus pars hereditatis Richard Crocker's English responsorial
    Miriam's Song Anglican chant by Ann Callaway
    Exaltabo te a 4, A. Scarlatti
    Vinea mea, Ford's American Gradual, to be replaced next year by O come everyone that thirsteth from Mendelssohn's Elijah.
    Lege Dom. (Crocker)
    Sicut cervus Palestrina
    Schubert's Deutsche Messe in my englished version using Noch lag die Schöpfung for the Gloria
    chanted Vidi aquam from Burgess, eventually to be replaced by Cardoso.
    off. Dextera Domini Lassus
    comm. (Ford)
  • Lumen Christie/Deo Gratias
    Exsultet sung by cantor
    Responsorial Psalms sung by cantor
    Missa Simplex Gloria
    Triple Alleluia with Psalm 118
    O Filii et Filae
    Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
    Vida Aquam
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Veni Sancte Spiritus
    Missa Simplex Mass
    Litany of the Saints
    Panis Angelicus
    Regina Caeli Jubila
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    St. James, Elizabethown KY

    Lumen Christi/ Deo gratias
    Exultet sung by a deacon (the best I have heard it sung)
    Ps. 104 Chabanel
    Exodus 15 Guimont
    Isaiah 12 Chabanel
    Ps. 42 Chabanel
    Gloria: Mass of St. Francis ( a setting by a local composer, a fine Anglican style choral setting)
    Triple Alleluia with ps.118
    Litany of the Saints
    Alleluia: R Thompson
    Mass: Mass of St. Francis
    Communion: Hymn: Alleluia, Give Thanks
    Hallelujah Chorus Handel ( a tradition)
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today Lyrica Davidica
    Postlude:Incantation pour un Saint Jour Langlais

    3 hours as we had 6 baptisms and 6 received into Holy Mother Church.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Mass of St. Francis ( a setting by a local composer, a fine Anglican style choral setting)

    You should ask local composer if he or she will make it available here.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206
    You should ask local composer if he or she will make it available here.
    Would you, could you, please?
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Yes, she is happy to share it. Will post later after vacation.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen canadash
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto
    Easter Vigil chanted in Latin (with lessons chanted in English)
    At the sprinkling: Palestrina, Sicut cervus
    Gloria from the Missa Caça by Morales
    Agnus Dei, anonymous, Worcester cathedral, 15th c.
    Communion motet: O sacrum Convivium by Marenzio
  • Mount Calvary Church
    Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Tract: Cantemus Domino (plainsong)
    Tract: Vinea facta (plainsong)
    Tract: Attende coelum (plainsong)
    Tract: Sicut cervus (Palestrina)
    Litany of the Saints
    Kyrie/Gloria: Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena (Willan)
    Alleluia/Tract (plainsong)
    Motet: Carol of the Exodus (Wood)
    Sanctus/Benedictus: Messe pour le samedy de Pâsques (Charpentier)
    Motet: This joyful Eastertide
    Vespers (plainsong)
    Come ye faithful, raise the strain (Saint Kevin)
    The day of resurrection (Ellacombe)
    Organ: Ite missa est (Albrechtsberger)
  • Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph's, Rochester, NY

    8pm mass with choir, soloists, and string quartet.

    Exsultet - chanted, English
    3 readings (#1-3) - plainsong psalmody, men's choir.
    Gloria - Messe No. 2 in G, Franz Schubert
    Alleluia - Gregorian triple alleluia with "Confitemini" verse
    Litany - Latin (Gregorian Missal)
    Sprinkling - Vidi aquam (Gregorian)
    Offertory - Dextera Domini (Gregorian
    Hymn: The Strife is O'er
    Sanctus - Messe solennelle de Sainte Cecile, Gounod
    Benedictus - Messe solennelle de Sainte Cecile, Gounod
    Agnus Dei - Messe No. 2 in G, Franz Schubert
    Communion - Pascha nostrum (Gregorian
    Hymn: At the Lamb's High Feast (Salzburg)
    Hallelujah Chorus, Handel
    Recessional - Regina caeli (Gregorian)
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    London, Traditional form.

    Exsultet ,chanted
    Prophecies, chanted to Lesson tone.
    Tract: Cantemus Domino
    Tract: Vinea facta
    Tract: Attende coelum
    Tract: Sicut cervus
    Litany of the Saints
    Kyrie I ad lib Clemens rector
    Gloria: Mass I
    Triple Alleluias w/ Confitemini ...
    Tract: Laudate Dominum
    Off hymn: Jesu Rex admirabilis (Dominican Processional hymn)
    Sanctus: Mass I
    Communion hymn: Rex sempiterne Domine (Former Matins Hymn for Easter Day)
    Vespers: Alleluia, Ps. 116, Ant. Vespere autem, Magnificat.
    Regina Caeli Solemn tone.

  • Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul, Indianapolis:

    Exsultet - Missal chant
    Psalms - Mixture of Guimont psalms and Chabanel Psalms (all 7)
    Gloria - MoC 2010
    Alleluia - Motyka setting for Choir, organ, and brass quintet, based on Mode VIII chant (the Archbishop intoned it 3 times before we began. He's awesome like that.)
    Litany of the Saints - Missal Chant
    Springs of Water - Missal Chant
    Sprinkling - I Saw Water, Leo Nestor
    Offertory - Sing Ye to the Lord, Bairstow (with brass orchestration)
    Communion - proper, Mode VI Alleluia (Esguerra's Choral Simplex)
    Motet - Regina Coeli, Aichinger
    Hymn - Jesus Christ is Risen Today