Music Thread: Good Friday
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Since the other days get their threads, here's one for Friday.

    Not sure what we're doing yet.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    We are singing a psalm by Howard Hughes, a Proulx gospel acclamation, "God So Loved the World" by Stainer, English chant Reproaches, and "Surely, He Hath Borne our Griefs" by Lotti. Throw in a couple of hymns - "O Sacred Head..." etc.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Psalm by Esguerra, Reproaches by Ford, Pange Lingua, penitential Psalms by Oost-Zinner, Esguerra and Bartlett, Crucem Tuam, Panis Angelicus
  • St. Ignatius, Mount Horeb, Wis.

    Psalm: Father, into your hands (Esguerra)
    Gradual: Christus factus est (Anerio)*
    Adoration of the Cross: Crucem tuam (Esguerra); Reproaches (chant in Greek and English); Crux fidelis (Missal chant)
    Communion: One of the soldiers** (SEP); Velum templi (Pacchioni); O Sacred Head Surrounded (PASSION CHORALE)

    * Lectionary text for the Verse before the Passion is the same.
    ** Communion for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart; quotes from the St. John Passion.

  • Chant-
    All from the 1961 Liber. Two responsories will be sung psalm-tone. All else full propers.

    Reproaches are my favorite, but it's hard not to tear up as they are so moving.
    The hymn Crux fidelis is a favorite of the choir- so glorious! I'll be singing it for my friend Kathy Pluth, in honor of her contributions to hymnody. :)

    Allegri's Miserere
    Victoria's Caligaverunt
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Gradual: Christus factus est.
    Veneration of the Cross:
    -1) Crucem tuam
    -2) Swiety Boze
    -3) Ludu, moj ludu
    Communion: (usually many communicants)
    -1) Sing my tongue (PICARDY)
    -2) When Jesus wept (Wm Billings)
    -3) Rozmyslajmy dzis
    -4) At the cross her station keeping
    Recessional and veneration by the faithful: (Per longstanding custom) Wisi na krzyzu
  • Psalm 22 Setting by Joseph Policelli in Hymns, Psalms, Spiritual Canticles

    Reproaches chanted to Tonus Pregrinus with the Trisagion (Greek Orthodox chant) sung as an antiphon.

    O Sacred Head

    Were You There? (Harmony and rhythm from the Hymnal 1940)

    O Christ, Thou Lamb of God - setting by Carl Schalk

  • Good Friday of the Lord's Passion
    Adoration: Crucem Tuam - Mode IV
    The Reproaches - Ayres
    Hymn: Sing My Tongue the Song of Triumph - Picardy
    Hymn: At the Cross Her Station Keeping - Stabat Mater
    Collection Hymn: When I Survey - Rockingham
    Communion: Adoramus Te - Mode I
    Salvator Mundi - Mode VIII
    O Bone Jesu - TTBB Ingegneri
    Psalm 22 - Mode II
    Hymn: Rock of Ages - New City Fellowship

    Good Friday: Tenebrae
    Prelude: O Mensch Bewein - Bach
    Procession: So Lowly Does the Savior Ride - Copes
    Hymn: Christ, Mighty Savior - Innisfree Farm
    Psalmody: Psalm 141
    First Lesson: The Lamentation - Bairstow
    Second Lesson: O Vos Omnes - Casals
    Third Lesson: O Saviour of the World - Goss
    Fourth Lesson: Were You There - Arr. Barnard
    Fifth Lesson: Psalm 22 - Willcock
    Sixth Lesson: O Bone Jesu - Ingegneri
    Seventh Lesson: Nearer, My God, to Thee - Bethany
    Conclusion: Crucifixus - Lotti
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
    Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX
    3 o'clock in the afternoon

    Vexilla Regis (schola)
    The Reproaches: Popule Meus-Victoria
    O Vos Omnes-Casals
    Adoramus Te-Dubois
    Ave Verum-Byrd (select singers)
    Salvator Mundi-Tallis (select singers)
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    Psalm: Ostrowski
    Gospel: based on Attende Domine
    Veneration: Reproaches, anon.
    Communion: Crux Fidelis (men's schola), Jesus Remember Me with Psalm 22, God So Loved the World: Stainer
  • Spriggo
    Posts: 122
    Psalm: Guimont
    Gospel Acc: Haas

    Veneration: The Reproaches - Bruce Ford/O Sacred Head
    When Jesus Wept
    Communion: Psalm 22 and Were You There
  • Psalm: Ostrowski
    Acclamation: Ostrowski
    Veneration: Reproaches and Adoramus Te Christi
    Communion: They Parted My Garments--Motyka
    In the Cross of Christ (translation of Croatian hymn)
  • jhoffman
    Posts: 29
    St. Austin, Austin, Texas

    Psalm: Guimont
    Gospel Acclamation: Gardner
    Passion Narrative: Chanted with Choral Responses, Victoria
    Veneration: Reproaches: Victoria Hymn: Were you there Spiritual: Joseph take Him off the tree
    Communion: Adoro Te, Joncas
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    St. Hugo of the Hills
    Bloomfield Hills, MI

    Psalm: Plainsong New
    Gospel Acc.: Plainsong New

    Christus Factus Est-Anerio
    God So Loved the World-Chilcott
    That Virgin's Child-Tallis
    The Reproaches-Lundy
    Anima Christi-Powell

    Communion: Now We Remain-Haas
    Ave Verum Corpus-Byrd
    Jesus Remember Me-Berthier
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    St. Bedes Traditional community, South London,

    Tract, Domine audivivi
    Tract, Eripe me,
    Passion: Plainchant
    Ecce lignum...
    Popule meus...
    Crux fidelis
    Procession : Vexila Regis
    Ave Verum: Chant
    Hymn : In monteolivis consito

    Vespers : recto tono
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Adoration of the Cross: Vexilla Regis (cantor)
    Post-Communion Reflection: Stabat Mater vv 13-16 (text from VatII Hymnal, traditional melody)

    First time in my life that the "Let Us Kneel" was followed immediately by the prayer, THEN "Let Us Stand."

  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music-March 29, 2013
    Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

    Silent Entrance/Opening Prayer

    Responsorial: FATHER, I PUT MY LIFE IN YOUR HANDS (Talbot)

    Gospel Accl.: Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Culbreth)

    Collection: A TREE ONCE STOOD (Canticle of the Cross-Martin)

    Veneration of the Cross IMPROPERIE “Popule meus” (Victoria) with verses IB.Ford)
    CONSOLATION OF THE CROSS (Canticle of the Cross-Martin)

    Communion Procession: BEHOLD THE CROSS (B.Hurd)
    O SACRED HEAD SURROUNDED (Passion Chorale)
  • AndrewK
    Posts: 41
    St. Peter's Catholic Church, Lindsay, TX

    Psalm: Weber
    Chanted Passion: Weber
    Adoration of the Cross: Reproaches - Weber settings
    Communion: Sing my tongue in exaltation - Weber
    O Sacred Head Surrounded

  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    St. David of Wales, Richmond CA

    Resp. Ps. Father, into your hands (Guimont)
    Passion according to John, plainsong with Victoria turbae.
    Intercessions from the new missal, pointed on the fly
    Reproaches (Ford/Victoria)
    O Sacred Head (PASSION CHORALE)
  • Psalm 22
    A Sacred Head Surrounded
    Crucem Tuam
    Stabat Mater
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    There's some missing details because this is from memory...

    Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael
    Psalm: Father, into your hands
    Gospel Acclamation: Frank Schoen
    Chanted passion in English by one priest and two cantors
    Intercessions and collects straight from the missal

    Collection for Holy Land: O Sacred Head Surrounded

    Ecce Lignum, sung by bishop
    O Vos Omnes (either palestrina or victoria...)
    Were you there
    Reproaches in English with congregational metrical responses
    God so loved the World: Bob Chilcott

    Pater Noster and Quia Tuum in Latin

    Something during communion (I was busy at that point)
  • I watched part of the Good Friday Liturgy at which the pope presided. The intercessory biddings and collects were in Latin. The deacon sang the biddings not to the traditional (simple preface tone) music given in the Missale Romanum but the chant used by the narrator in the sub-semitonal passion chant. Does anyone have a clue why this was done? If the pope had sung the collects that followed to the modern (sub-semitonal) collect tone, the choice of this tone for the biddings might have made sense; but he simply recited the collects.
  • TeresaH
    Posts: 53
    Ressponsorial Psalm, Guimont
    Adoration of the Cross:
    We Adore Your Cross, Esguerra
    Reproaches, Esguerra
    Faithful Cross

    Communion: Psalm 22, Giffen
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday (OF) @ 1:00 PM & 7:30 PM
    Resp. Psalm "Into your hands" ... Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
    Gradual: Christus factus est ... Graduale
    Passion: Chanted in English by Father Keyes & two cantors
    Adoration of the Cross: Ecce lignum; Crucem tuam; Improperia ... de Victoria; Crux fidelis ... Graduale
    Communion: Adoramus te ... Chant; setting by Th. Dubois; Ave verum Corpus ... Byrd; Tenebrae factae sunt ... Ingegneri; O Bone Jesu ... Ingegneri
  • Hi all,

    I wanted to share the Crux Fidelis (ICEL translation) in square notes I transcribed. I didn't finish it on time for this last Good Friday, but it can be used for the Exaltation of the Cross too.

    Thanks to bcb who provided the gabc file here


    Crux Fidelis.pdf
    Crux Fidelis.gabc.docx
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto
    Tract, Domine audivivi
    Tract, Eripe me,
    Passion: Plainchant in English
    Ecce lignum...
    Victoria, Popule meus...
    Hymn: Crux fidelis
    Communion:Tallis, Sancte Deus
    Victoria, O vos omnes
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • Mount Calvary Church
    Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Solemn Liturgy
    Respond: Domine audivi (plainsong)
    Tract: Eripe me (plainsong)
    Passion: Saint John (Victoria)
    Veneration: Reproaches (Victoria)
    Hymn: Vexilla Regis
    Motet: Crux fidelis (anon., attr. King Joao IV of Portugal)
    Hymn: "O sorrow deep" (O Traurigkeit)
    Vespers (said)
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque