Share your Easter Orders of Worship
  • Mark HuseyMark Husey
    Posts: 192
    From Saint Peter's, Columbia, South Carolina: my eighth Easter there.

    Kodaly "Missa Brevis" (Gloria and Agnus Dei)
    Guimont Psalm 118
    Stanford "Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem"
    Noyon/Hancock "Christus Vincit"
    Proulx "Mass for the City" (Eucharistic Acclamations)
    Randall Thompson "Alleluia"
    Palestrina "Sicut Cervus"
    Gaither (!) "Because He lives" (in the South)
    Handel "Hallelujah" (Messiah)
    Easter Day 2013 Choral Kodaly.pdf
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Diocese of Monterey Latin Mass Community:

    Entrance: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
    Sprinkling Rite: Vidi Aquam
    Introit: Resurrexi (Graduale Romanum)
    Kyrie: Byrd, Mass for 3 voices
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Gradual: Haec Dies (Rossini)
    Alleluia: Rossini
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali
    Credo III
    Offertory: Terra Tremuit (GR)
    Oremus pro Pontifice
    Sanctus: Byrd
    Benedictus: Byrd
    Agnus Dei: Byrd
    Communion: Pascha Nostrum (GR)
    O Filii et Filiae
    Recession: Regina Caeli
  • Preludes: O Morn of Beauty (FINLANDIA), Sibelius
    Choral Fanfare for Christ the King, Smith
    Entrance: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Gloria: Jubilation Mass, Chepponis
    Psalm: This is the Day, Joncas
    Sequence: chant (cantor/congregation)
    Gospel: Festival Alleluia, Chepponis
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water Flowing
    Offertory: Regina Coeli (Lotti), At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing
    Mass: Jubilation Mass, Chepponis
    Communion: Ye Sons and Daughters
    Recessional: Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto

    Gregorian propers, including gradual, alleluia, and sequence.
    Missa Laetatus sum for three choirs by Victoria
    Gallus, Alleluia, In resurrectione tua for two choirs
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Mass Ordinary VIII de Angelis

    Introit: When I awake (Healey Willan)

    Gradual: This day is the day (Columba Kelley, OSB)
    Sequence: Christians Praise (Hymnbook 1982)
    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum (Graduale Romanum)

    I saw water (Samuel Weber, OSB)
    Offertory: The earth feared (Psalm-tone)
    hymn: The strife is o'er

    Communion: Pascha nostrum (Grad. Rom.)
    anthem: The Call (RVW)
    hymn: Zlocie troski
    hymn: Zwycieza smierci
    organ: O filii et filiae (Dandrieu)

    Recessional: Jesus Christ is ris'n today
    Postlude: Processional (Mathias)
    --[edit: at the last minute decided not to do Mathias - Improvisation on 'Victimae paschali laudes' instead.]
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Easter Sunday
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today - Easter Hymn
    Psalmody: Psalm 118 - Willcock
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali - arr. Barbarino
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water - Nestor
    Offertory: O Love of God, How Strong and True - arr. McCarthy
    Hymn: Awake, Arise, Lift Up Your Voice - Richmond
    Communion: I am the Bread of Life - Bread of Life
    Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today - Victimae Paschali
    Recessional: Hallelujah Chorus - Handel
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
    Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX
    11 o'clock in the morning

    Dialogue between priest and people ("The Lord be with you...."), Holy Gospel, Nicene Creed, and Intentions of the Faithful all chanted or sung.

    Form III (Book of Divine Worship) of the Intentions is the customary form in our parish. Not absolutely sure, though, since we do not have the bulletin.

    Ordinary: Communion Service in F-Darke

    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today-Easter Hymn
    Sequence: Usually sung by organist/conductor, not recited by the people.
    Offertory hymn: The Day of Resurrection
    Communion: This is the Day-Anon. (select singers)
    Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem-Stanford
    Communion hymn: God our Father Lord of Glory-Fr. Christopher Phillips (tune: Grafton)
    Recessional hymn: Thine Be the Glory-Handel
    Choral postlude: Halleluja Chorus-Handel
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • St. Mary of the Assumption, Pine Bluff, Wis.

    Entrance: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)
    Introit: I am risen (SEP)
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Simplex (Proulx)
    Psalm: This is the Day (Esguerra)
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali (English)
    Alleluia: Mode VII, triple (Graduale Simplex/Lectionary)
    Offertory: Christus factus est (Anerio); The earth trembled (SEP)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Mystery of Faith: "Save us…" (Missal)
    Lord's Prayer: English (US Missal)
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Christ our Paschal Lamb (SEP); Hoc corpus (Robledo); At the Lamb's High Feast (SALZBURG)
    Recessional: Regina Cœli (Lotti)
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Easter Sunday and Triduum programs attached—sorry, too lazy to type it all out.

    Easter Sunday - 2013.pdf
    Triduum Worship Aid - 2013.pdf
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    I think we will be having Victoria's "O vos omnes" for Communion and "Christos anesti" for the Recessional.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music-March 30, 2013
    Easter Vigil

    Entrance: “The light of Christ” THANKS BE TO GOD”

    Exsultet: J. Michael Thompson

    Responsorial 1 ENVIA TU ESPIRITU 168 (B.Hurd) Tammy Weyker psalmist
    Responsorial 2 EX. 15: TO GOD BE PRAISE AND GLORY (J.Sullivan-Whitaker) Responsorial 7 “JUST AS THE DEER DESIRES” (Palestrina/Lindusky)

    Gloria “Glory to God in the highest” (Mass of St. Ralph Sherwin-Jeffrey Ostrowski)

    Gospel Accl.: RESPOND AND ACCLAIM (O filii et filie) keys raised

    Litany of the Saints Litany of the Saints (chanted)

    Baptisms FLOW, RIVER, FLOW (Hurd)/RIVER OF GLORY (Schutte)

    Confirmations: VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS

    Offertory: CHRIST, THE LORD, IS RISEN TODAY (Llanfair)

    Eucharistic Accl.: Mass of St. Therese of Liseaux (Royce Nickel)

    Communion Procession: Christ has become/Pascha nostrum (SCG/Richard Rice)
    THREE DAYS (Thaxted)
    If necessary: THE SONG OF THE CROSS (Canticle of the Cross-Martin)

    Communion Anthem ALLELUIA:CHRIST IS RISEN (Kyriakos)

    Recessional: JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY (Easter hymn)

    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music-March 31, 2013
    Easter Sunday-Mass of Resurrection
    Introit: SE “I am risen…” Simple English Propers/A.Bartlett
    Entrance: SE JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY (Easter hymn)
    Opening Rites: S Kyrie XVI/Gloria-. Mass of St. Ralph Sherwin-Jeffrey Ostrowski)
    E Kyrie/ Gloria-Mass of St. Ann/ Ed Bolduc

    Responsorial: SE Respond & Acclaim

    Sequence: SE CHRIST IS ARISEN (DeBruyn)

    Gospel Accl.: S plainsong “Alleluia”modeVI
    E Alleluia (Sleeth)

    Offertory: S ALLELUIA (Ode to Joy) E RESUCITÓ (Arguello)

    Eucharistic Accl.: S Mass of St. Therese of Liseaux/Royce Nickel
    E Mass of St. Ann/ Ed Bolduc

    Communion Procession: SE Christ has become/Pascha nostrum (SCG/Richard Rice)

    Communion Anthem: S ALLELUIA:CHRIST IS RISEN (Kyriakos) E I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH (B.Hurd)

    Recessional: S JESUS IS RISEN 300 (Lasst uns erfreuen)
    E LORD OF THE DANCE (Culbreth arr.)

    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Alleluia, Alleluia Let the Holy Anthems Rise
    Missa Simplex Gloria (Proulx)
    Psalm 118
    Easter Sequence
    O Filii et Filae (altenating verses Latin and English)
    Vida Aquam for sprinkling rite
    Missa Simplex Mass (Proulx) with ICEL Agnus Dei
    Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
    Regina Caeli Jubila
    Regina Caeli chant
    Panis Angelicus
    Easter Solemn Dismissal with people's response
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Bobby Bolin
    Posts: 423
    I heard:

    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Gloria- Lee arr. Proulx
    Psalm 118 based on O Filii et Filiae
    Sequence- Chant with congregation "Alleluia" response
    Gospel Acclamation Chant Mode II
    Three Days (Thaxted)
    Mass of St. Paul the Apostle
    The Strife is O'er
    Chanted Dismissal
    Jesus is Risen (Lasst uns erfreuen)
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    St. Hugo of the Hills-Bloomfield Hills, MI

    Choir and Brass, 12:00 Mass

    Haec Est Dies-Handl (with brass)
    Entrance: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today-EASTER HYMN (arr. Biery)
    Gloria: Jubilation Mass-Chepponis
    Psalm: This Is the Day-Proulx
    Sequence: Biery (w/isometric tutti organ interludes in the style of Cochereau!)
    Gospel Acc.: Festival Alleluia-Chepponis
    Prep. of Gifts: Hallelujah from Messiah (brass and timp. arr. by Fred Bock)
    Euch. Acc. MOC
    Communion Antiphon: Pascha nostrum-Bartlett
    Communion: This Is the Feast of Victory
    Easter Hymn-Mascagni (singer to remain anonymous! What a treat this was!)
    Closing: Sing with All the Saints in Glory-HYMN TO JOY (arr. Biery)
    Postlude: Final from Symphonie I-Vierne
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Knoxville, TN - with our resident Cardinal Rigali celebrating the 10:00 a.m. choir mass

    Entrance: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Lyra Davidica)
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria and other mass parts - ICEL chants
    Psalm from WLP Year C Psalter
    Sequence Chant Mode I
    Alleluia Chant Mode VI
    I Saw Water Flowing, sprinkling rite, ICEL chant
    Easter Anthem, William Billings for choir mass
    Rice communion chant
    Communion: Alleluia No. I, Donald Fishel
    He Shall Feed His Flock, Handel
    Recessional: The Strife is O'er
    Postlude: Festive Trumpet Tune, David German
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph's, Rochester, NY

    11am mass (children's choir, adult choir, trumpet soloist):
    Preludes - trumpet voluntaries, Jubilate Deo (canon - children)
    Introit - Simple English Propers
    Ordinary - Missa I (Gregorian)
    Sequence - Victimae paschali (Gregorian)
    Creed - Credo III
    Offertory - SEP, Hymn: The Strife is O'er
    Communion - Pascha nostrum (Gregorian),
    Sounds of Joy (Concordi laetitia - Gregorian. Children)
    Hymn: At the Lamb's High Feast (Salzburg)
    Recessional - Regina Caeli (Gregorian - children), Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Lyrica Davidica)

    Rochester Latin Mass Community - Low Missa Cantata

    1:30pm, Men's Schola:
    Prelude - improvisation on O filii et filiae
    Ordinary - Missa I (Gregorian)
    Gradual - Liber Brevior
    all other propers - full melodies, Liber Usualis
    Communion selection - O filii et filiae
    Recessional Hymn - Jesus Christ is Risen today (Lyrica Davidica)
    Postlude - improvisation on O filii et filiae
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Mark Husey
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    "Low Missa Cantata"

  • St. Stephen the First Martyr, Sacramento, California.

    Prelude & Procession- Organ Improvisation
    All the Propers from the Graduale
    Ordinary of the Mass- Widor Mass (opus 36)
    Creed III with polyphonic Et incarnatus est (Dominick Di Carlo)
    Offertory Angelus Autem- Anerio
    Communion Ad Cenam agni of Victoria
    Postlude- Widor Toccata (from the 5th Symphony)
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA 10:00 AM Missa Cantata (OF)
    Prelude to TE DEUM ... Charpentier
    Full Gregorian Proper from Graduale
    Kyrie, Gloria & Agnus Dei from "Missa Aeterna Christi munera" ... Palestrina
    Motet after the Offertorium: "Angelus autem descendit" ... F. Anerio
    Sanctus from Mass I, sung Canon, Mysterium Fidei, Pater noster
    Motet after the Communio & Psalm verses: "Haec est dies" ... Jacobus Gallus
    Retiring Procession: "Regina caeli" ... Antonio Lotti
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Gradual - Liber Brevior
    all other propers - full melodies, Liber Usualis

    Just to check, you know that with the Liber Brevior it is the liber itself that is brevior (by omitting a bunch of stuff) and not the chants themselves, right? The chants are all just the same as in the Liber Usualis.

    "Low Missa Cantata"


    The Missa Cantata is a species of low Mass. Historically speaking, it was invented by adding things (music, incense) to the low Mass to make it more beautiful, rather than subtracting things (deacon, subdeacon) from the high Mass to make it easier to do.
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls

    Prelude: Prelude in E flat Major ("St Anne") - Bach
    Entrance Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Sequence in Latin
    Offertory: Christ the Lord is Risen Today (+ SEP for incensation)
    Communion: SEP with Verses + At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing + Randall Thompson "Alleluia"
    Recessional/Postlude: Christus Vincit - Joseph Noyon/arr. Gerre Hancock

    I especially recommend the Christus Vincit - it is loud, easy to learn, festive and majestic IMHO. Sometimes it's just good for the choir to sing as loud as they can, and shoot for a high B flat in the soprano section.
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    South London, Traditional Rite.

    All Propers from Graduale Romanum 1962.

    Hymn. Salve Festa Dies.
    INT. Resurrexi
    Kyrie Mass I
    Gloria Mass I
    GRAD. Haec dies... Confitemini
    ALL. Pascha nostrum
    SEQ. Victimae
    Gospel. Sung to the Solemn Ancient tone.
    Credo I
    OFF. Terra tremuit
    Off. Hymn O filii et filiae
    Sanctus Mass I
    Agnus Mass I
    Comm. Pascha nostrum
    Comm hymn Jesu nostra redemptio, (Dominican compline hymn)
    Domine salvum fac
    Regina Caeli (simple tone)
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • Introit (SEP) with ALLELUIA form "Ye Sons and Daughters" as a congregation refrain.
    Kyrie and Gloria VIII (Jubilato Deo)
    Psalm : Paul Ford from the Chabanal Site
    Sequence: English set to traditional melody
    I Saw Water" ICEL setting
    Offertory: " Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"
    Sanctus VIII
    Acclamation ICEL
    Communion. Pascha Nostra (GR) and Congregation refrain using the Missal text and mode vi Alleluia
    Communion Misereicordia by H Botar
    Recessional Alleluia Let the Holy Anthemn Rise
    Postlude Organ Handel's " Hallelluja Chorus" transcribed Dubois
    Thanked by 1Mark Husey
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    +1 on the Christus Vincit. That was one of Gerre's favorite compositions, or at least he told us it was!