Help pastor understand the propers
  • elaine60elaine60
    Posts: 85
    Can anyone help me with finding some official links or sources explaining the propers and the difference between the ones that were written for music and ones written for spoken along with the guidelines that we can now put the spoken ones to music. We use OCP missial and are wanting to incorporate the communion antiphon but my paster is wanting so sources.
  • From this article : " In addition, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops requested in 2001—and received from Rome in 2002—the permission to allow for the singing of the Entrance Antiphon and Communion Antiphon from the Roman Missal. In the Church’s liturgical discipline, these two antiphons are typically intended for recitation when there is no singing (GIRM, nos. 48, 87). "
    Also see the thread in this forum "Third edition antiphons"
    The ICEL Antniphonary even list verses for these antiphons. I infer that indicates a cantor.
    Thanked by 1elaine60
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    The antiphons for spoken Masses were introduced with the new Missal in 1969, and the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of Paul VI mentions them:

    the Introit and Communion antiphons have been adapted for read Masses.

    This indicates that the antiphons in the Missal do not always match the corresponding texts from the Graduale Romanum (in chant settings retained from the 1960 Graduale).

    The current GIRM indicates a distinction about spoken Masses too, but to see it, you'll have to show your pastor the Latin original of the GIRM, because the U.S. adaptations to the GIRM have somewhat hidden the distinction.

    Paragraphs 47 and 48 are about the Introit. They start by telling when it is sung, and who can sing it. It can be taken from the Graduale Romanum or the Graduale Simplex. Then 48 goes on to say:

    Si ad introitum non habetur cantus, antiphona in Missali proposita recitatur

    which means:

    If there is no singing at the Introit, the antiphon presented in the Missal is recited.

    The Communion antiphon is treated similarly at paragraph 87.

    So that provides an explanation of the standard rules for those antiphons. To see how those rules were modified for the U.S., see the U.S. version of the GIRM, paragraph 48.

    Thanked by 2elaine60 bonniebede
  • elaine60elaine60
    Posts: 85
    Thank you both-this is helpful.
  • This might be the ticket: Look at the introduction in this collection :
    chant settings of the Missal chants by Father Kelly. You will find the printed approval from the U.S. Bishops.
    Thanked by 1elaine60
  • elaine60elaine60
    Posts: 85
    Thank you Ralph. I have forwarded information. Will see what happens. Basically I think if OK with them-but did not know two propers existed and wanted to make sure the congregation would be informed. This will help and hopefully be singing at least the communion proper.