Vatican Vespers with the Cardinals
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854

    As evidence of Steven van Roode's comments in other threads that there is a new version of the Ordo Cantus Officii that has yet to be released, the booklet from tonight's Vespers at St. Peter's with the Cardinals, includes some interesting antiphon choices.

    The antiphons for Ps 127(126) and the canticle from Colossians are the ones given in the Antiphonale Monasticum II (2006) for that psalm and canticle. I could not (at least at first search) find a source for the first antiphon "Converte iam, Domine" (for Ps 126[125]) anywhere. Does anybody else recognize this antiphon?

    The antiphon at the Magnificat follows that in the Antiphonale Monasticum I (2005) for today, Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent - which continues to support my assumption that the distribution of antiphons at the Magnificat and Benedictus in the new Antiphonale Monasticum follows (or even form the basis for) the new Ordo Cantus Officii "Romanum."

    If they're not able to release the complete Antiphonale Romanum, they should at least release the updated Ordo Cantus Officii with references to where many (if not most) of the chants can be found in the monastic Office books.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    As to the source of Converte iam: Metz 83, 67v; Lucca 603, 45r. I found it in Les Heures Grégoriennes I, 1652 (also II, 1646 and III, 1802)

    A comparison between the antiphons from Liturgia Horarum (LH), the Ordo Cantus Officii (OCO) and the booklet (B):

    Antiphon 1:
    LH: Qui séminant in lácrimis, in exsultatióne metent.
    OCO: Euntes ibant et flebant, mittentes semina sua.
    B: Converte iam, Domine, captivitatem nostram sicut torrens in austro.

    Antiphon 2:
    LH: Dóminus ædíficet nobis domum, et custódiat civitátem.
    OCO: Dóminus ædíficet nobis domum, et custódiat civitátem.
    B: Nisi tu, Domine, servabis nos, in vanum vigilant oculi nostri.

    Antiphon 3:
    LH: Ipse primogénitus omnis creatúræ, in ómnibus primátum tenens.
    OCO: Dedit ei Dominus potestatem et honorem et regnum; et omnes populi, tribus et linguae ipsi servient.
    B: Gratias agamus Deo, qui dignos nos fecit in partem sortis sanctorum in lumine.

    LH: Qui fécerit et docúerit mandáta Dómini, hic magnus vocábitur in regno cælórum.
    OCO: Qui verbum Dei retinent corde perfecto et optimo, fructum afferunt in patienta.
    B: Qui habet mandata mea et servat ea, ille est qui diligit me, dicit Dominus.

    Can someone tell me when we finally get a stable list of chants for the Office?
    Thanked by 1SkirpR
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    As to the source of Converte iam: Metz 83, 67v; Lucca 603, 45r. I found it in Les Heures Grégoriennes I, 1652 (also II, 1646 and III, 1802)

    Thanks, Steven, my Les Heures Grégoriennes books are not at my office... so I hadn't checked them yet.

    But, yes, this particular instance is the perfect illustration of the problem.

    I'm just curious whether tonight's Vespers program was put together by someone with access to the unpublished revised OCO, or whether they were just choosing antiphons they thought were appropriate making use of the option in the General Instruction of the LH to choose any appropriate antiphons. (In effect, "alius cantus aptus" for the Office.)