I know that the Roman Missal, Third Edition contains the chant music for the "Hosanna to the Son of David" antiphon, but I can't seem to find the music for the second antiphon: ("The children of the Hebrews, carrying olive branches, went out to meet the Lord, crying out and saying, 'Hosanna in the highest!'").
There is a free simple version in English you can get by visiting CCW "musicfortheliturgy.org" ---- not sure if this is what you need but you can get it by going to Palm Sunday from year B
Francis wrote: "versions I compiled some years back. The Hosanna is authentic to the note in the GC version."
Therein lies a possible problem. Medieval chant composers varied in their accentuation of Hebrew words. They sometimes followed the rules of Latin accentuation and sometimes followed the rules of Hebrew accentuation. One writer said it was OK to accentuate Hebrew words in any way one pleased. The composer of these two Palm Sunday antiphons clearly followed the Hebrew rules, placing the accent of "Hosanna" on the final syllable. In English, however, the accent in the work "Hosanna" is invariably placed on the second syllable. If the person adapting the melody to an English text does not change the setting of the word, distortion of the English text results.
Consequently, I changed the distribution of notes when I set the word "Hosanna" in this antiphon. See on this site The American Gradual.
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