This pdf contains the entire proper for the Feast of St. Joseph in the EF. This is the format I use for all Missa Cantata propers. I use PagesPlus from Serif and compile from the pdf versions of the Liber Usualis and Mass and Vespers available at Musica Sacra and occasional re-settings with Gregorio, with the FSSP Ordo and the 1962 Missal as my references. The chant is enlarged to help ameliorate the effects of poor lighting, several 50-something scholistas, and one legally-blind bass who ends up memorizing everything anyway. I print these in such a manner that page turns are minimized (i.e., Gradual and Tract are on facing pages, for instance; the Communion has four pages, a left-hand first page, 2nd and 3rd pages printed back-to-back, and the antiphon reprinted on a third sheet after the page turn). My singers just print these and insert them in their ring folders (The Black Folder--best folder ever created) and then add the Ordinary and any other motets/chants/hymns that we are singing.
Well done, Patricia. I borrowed the idea of making "choir-books" from a director, whom I admire very much. (Thanks to CPDL, we can include the motets and anthems as well.) My friend's premise was that it saved valuable rehearsal time and guaranteed that every- one was on the same page.
Agreed. Whenever possible, I put all the music, in order, into a single PDF to send to schola members. It makes things very simple. If something isn't electronic , I'll reengrave it, or scan it if I'm short on time.
I found that a useful tool was to put all the ordinaries on a different color paper - that way we didn't have to throw them away every time we got new music. Also, subliminally, it reinforced the difference between the ordinaries and the hymns - we weren't doing propers at that point.
My current director creates a new package for each Mass, with PAGE NUMBERS and the name of the Mass on each page. It's real easy to get the packet for one Sunday confused with another, so that's helpful.
Whatever happened to that paperless society we were supposed to have in the 1990s?
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