Fr. Zuhlsdorf reviews the Campion Missal
  • thanks!
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Ordered mine today by phone. Talked to a very pleasant lady. It was $4.88 for shipping (to Buffalo, NY) and ships from Michigan iirc.

    I'm excited for it to arrive.
    Thanked by 1Paul_Onnonhoaraton
  • I lack a capacity to comment on Fr. Z's blog (not approved)

    Would it be possible for somebody to go make a comment that points out this resource is for the PEWS? It is not intended as a personal hand missal, per se.

    Also, regarding how to navigate the book, there is a video about this on the website. It would be SO AWESOME if somebody could pot that in the comments before they close.

    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Would it be possible for somebody to go make a comment that points out this resource is for the PEWS?

  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    "Would it be possible for somebody to go make a comment that points out this resource is for the PEWS? It is not intended as a personal hand missal, per se."

    This is the brilliance of this Missal. It is an extremely forward-thinking approach to how the EF ought to be celebrated. It's a bold statement.

    It's the true "Spirit of Vatican II".
    Thanked by 1Paul_Onnonhoaraton
  • Thank you, Scott W : i know Fr Z requires comments only from approved users and probably by the time I would be approved the com box would already be closed. Thanks again!
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Out of curiosity, is there any way for you to tell us approximately how many have been sold? There always seems to be a variety of opinions on how many EF Masses there are, and while this would obviously not be an accurate indicator, it might give an idea of what numbers we're talking about. Five Hundred? One thousand? Ten thousand? etc.
  • Our Board of Directors has a policy against giving out that information, which I used to not understand. However, upon reflection, I think it makes sense.
    Thanked by 1gregp
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    w00t! Got mine today. Ordered it Tuesday. That was fast! Now it's next to the computer and I'm sniffing that new book smell. :)
  • How many hymns in Latin are included? I see lots of English but was curious as to those in Latin. Many thanks!
  • Any plans to take online orders? I have a good deal of experience in this area and would be happy to donate some time to help set it up.

    ... meanwhile I will place an order by email; can't wait to have a copy!
  • Thanks, Ben. At the moment, we are desperately seeking to find a webmaster: we have been without one since 2010. We need a person who knows DJANGO PYTHON. God bless!
  • Hello, pipesnposaune!

    Off the top of my head, I believe there are something like 125 English hymns (traditional and congregational) and perhaps thirty Latin hymns, maybe fewer.

    The reason for this: our book is for the pews. I believe choirs that need Latoin hymns will probably go to the Liber Usualis, which contains at least 100 Latin hymns.

    Thanked by 1pipesnposaune
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Love the missal. Just picking it up puts me in a prayerful disposition. I haven't been able to persuade the missus to go Latin, but she is a former music history professor and she picked it up and admired it. She had one quibble: the first thing she wanted to see was the sequences and was mildly surprised that only the text was there. Perhaps sneak the nuemes in if you can in future additions.

    It's not a real problem because you can always go here: and get them.
  • Paul, I've sent you a private message re: your webmaster needs.
    Thanked by 1Paul_Onnonhoaraton
  • Dear Scott,

    The Sequences are sung by the choir, and our book is intended for the pews. However, choirs can find those melodies in many books now available.

    Cheers & God bless!