Help Needed - Open Source Project
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,466
    I'm starting to work on a project which would be (I hope) valuable in its own right, but which would ALSO serve as an example for the type of Open Source collaboration I've been talking about recently (see here and here).

    I don't need firm commitments from people willing to devote large amounts of time to it, but I'm curious about who and how many might be interested/willing/able to contribute even small amounts of time/effort to such a project. The project involves English-language (and other vernacular) Propers, and could use help from people with any (all) of the following skill sets:
    -hymn text writing
    -hymn tune writing
    -harmonization/part writing
    -hymnal research
    -server-side document processing
    -PHP (especially WordPress)
    -proofreading, editing, bug hunting

    Again: I am not looking for firm commitments or people who know they can volunteer tons of hours to build something. I'm just curious how many people think they would or could contribute even a little bit of help from time to time.

    (Part of the concept I'm attempting to prove is that large-scale projects would benefit from Open Source principles because it would allow for more individuals to contribute a little bit, rather than a single "hero" having to do every thing.)

    If you think you would be even somewhat interested, or be able to contribute a little bit from time to time, please either mention something in this thread or email me. This is really just a straw-poll: I'm trying to see if there are enough people interested to warrant further work.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Put me down for:
    -tune writing
    -hymnal research

    Don't know much about the others ...
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood