Toledo Chant School--Redux
  • Not sure if anyone who reads this forum is in the Toledo area, but it is worth mentioning that I'm helping to organize the following. Would love to meet fellow forum members in person.

    The Toledo Regional Chant School will be a series of workshops offered over three consecutive weeks in April 2013. Led by M. Jackson Osborn and Lowell A. Davis of the St. Basil School of Gregorian Chant, the school offers professional training in chanting the music of the Roman Catholic liturgy in both English and Latin. No previous experience with chant is required, and singers of all skill levels are welcome. Parish music directors and choir members are especially encouraged to attend. Two special sessions for clergy are also being offered.

    For detailed information on the content of the workshops, see the brochure (which can be found on the website along with other pertinent info).
  • I see it is actually more expensive for priests and deacons to go than for regular people, since it appears they cannot benefit from the $50 "early registration" discount and they receive absolutely no clergy discount. :/
  • The Friday morning sessions are for clergy only. If clergy wants to attend the full conference the special clergy only sessions are included at no extra cost. The fees include materials and meals. I didn't set the fee schedule, but I guess I don't quite follow your criticism.
  • Was really excited to hear this, i could fly to toledo...and then i realised its Toleda USA. oh well...anyone offering chant tutorials in the uk or ireland?
  • Well, you can still fly to Toledo.... Ohio, that is.
    Thanked by 1bonniebede
  • While I didn't think there were many forum readers in the NW Ohio/SE Michigan area, I didn't realize just how far away some people are. The three-weekend schedule was setup to appeal to locals who would be commuting in and allow time to get back home for Sunday (and Saturday evening) Mass commitments.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Bumping this again. Registration is not going so well. Please spread the word and keep us in your prayers as we attempt to bring beautiful music to the area.
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    As a sacred musician who lived and worked in that area, I can tell you that attendance is bound to be thin. The Diocese of Toledo has always been a stronghold of the so-called "mainstream" Catholic music from GIA, OCP and WLP, and backed by a strong top-down membership in the NPM. Several nationally-noted NPM figures hail from that Diocese. (GIA, formerly known as Gregorian Institute of America, was originally headquartered there, and was the source of some truly solid musical resources. Then it moved to Chicago, and all bets were off).

    A good friend and colleague who works for a beautiful parish church has very slowly and carefully moved her parish away from the worst of the "folk music" tradition and toward a more reform-minded approach. She is, I hope, still planning on attending, and is also planning to attend Colloquium this summer (if the funds can be provided).
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    I sent a notice on this to the entire choir and the parish priest and the two permanent deacons. I'm hoping some of them will attend. I plan to attend if I can get the logistics worked out. (We have a dairy cow that's due to calve soon...) no seriously we do. :)
  • Isn't there a newish TLM-only (diocesan) parish in Dayton? Perhaps someone with contacts there could spread the word; maybe there are some there who wouldn't mind the two-hour drive up I-75.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Which parish in Dayon, Mark? I'll be in Dayton in early May.
  • The one I was thinking of must be Holy Family Catholic Church, an FSSP parish that opened in 2011(?). And whenever someone goes to or through Dayton, I always make sure to beg them to go to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force -- a truly mindblowing place. Go!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    The Diocese of Toledo has always been a stronghold of the so-called "mainstream" Catholic music from GIA, OCP and WLP, and backed by a strong top-down membership in the NPM.

    Sad, but true...but it's still my home :)
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    We did send info out to every Catholic Parish within a certain radius--I think Dayton would have been included, but I'm not certain.
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    I grew up in Rossford...and it's very true...mainstream catholic music is stating it charitably...(I HAVE been to confession over the liturgical dancing I did...really I have.) :)

    I do see glimmers of hope though, and I'm very glad that someone is hosting a chant school there-I do hope I can work it out to go.
  • I'm in SE Michigan. Don't know if I'll be able to go, but I recommend that you bring it to the attention of the Archdiocese of Detroit, which is currently fairly chant-friendly - the Archdiocesan music director frequently promotes chant and truly sacred music.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    A mailing went out to every parish church within a 2-hour radius. In addition the Director of our Office of Worship sent a letter to every worship office within district 6 (not sure of the actual boarders, but am fairly certain Detroit is included in that). Thanks.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    We are looking at restructuring the course...any input/ideas?

    Rather than 3 consecutive weekends we are thinking of spreading it out over the course of the year. People could then sign up for a single or multiple parts. The instructor is still thinking part day Friday and part Day Saturday, but would't one full day work better--especially for those traveling some distance and avoid the need of hotel etc.?

    Since it seems most prospective attendees are from SE Michigan rather than Toledo Diocese, what else can we do to make it more conducive?
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    I can't answer for anyone else, but for me one full day would be much easier to get to. Of course most people don't have to make arrangements for someone to milk the cow in the morning...:)
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey