By Flowing Waters - Organ edition
  • Since I know that Dr. Ford reads this forum ...

    What are the chances that an organ accompaniment to BFW could be published?
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
  • Little chance that it would be published but we could put it in Creative Commons, if someone(s) could undertake this huge task. I can supply all the Finale files.

    My ideal arranger would be Jeff Ostrowski because he understands chant so profoundly and has such amazing ideas. I am partial to the low countries style of chant accompaniment, spare, relatively modern tonality.

    Is it arrogant of me to want to retain some discretion over what gets published?
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Prof. Ford: it's not unreasonable. Whether it's arrogant or not is for you to figure out. ;-)
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • We use the antiphons from "By flowing waters" here at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Maine often. I set the psalm verse to Gelineau tones for the most part though. I would be happy to share the accompaniments to the antiphons that I have come up with if that would be of any use to anyone.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • Only with Prof. Fords permission however.
  • I suggest a kickstarter program for raising funds for Jeff O to do this - and every contributor of X dollars would then get a copy if the money is raised.

    I concur that he IS the person to do this for many reasons.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    yes, Jeff should be the one to do this, even if fundraising takes a while. It will be worth it in the long run.
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,460
    JMO should also do an extended series on Udemy, teaching harmonization techniques.
  • I really thank you for the kind thought, but this will not be possible, as I currently have more commitments on my schedule than I am able to fill.

    God bless!
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    We'll just have a KickStarter campaign to clone JMO! Shouldn't be too hard, and he'd no doubt enjoy some Minions to boss around.
    Thanked by 3Ben Jenny Heath
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Haha, yes Carl!
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 892
    Is By Flowing Waters available as a download anywhere? For example when using an antiphon to place in a worship aid it would be great to have it as an image file or even PDF. Scanning from the bound book never comes out well and there's isn't always time to re-engrave it.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey