Propers for Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit
  • I am looking for the propers of a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit. In a few months time there will be a Catholic Student Conference and we typically open the conference with a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday Afternoon. (We then would have a Votive Mass of Our Lady on Saturday and of course, the Sunday Mass of the season).

    The names of the Latin Chants and any references to either the Graduale Romanum or the Simplex would be most appreciated, as it may or may not be EF for this particular mass.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    Graduale Romanum (OF) - Outside of Lent

    Caritas Dei diffusa est, 248.
    Spiritus Domini replevit orbem, 252.

    Beata gens, 333.

    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 249, vel 253.
    Veni, Sancte Spiritus, 253

    Confirma hoc Deus, 255.
    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 250.

    Spiritus qui a Patre procedit, 233.
    Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos, 232.
    Thanked by 1hartleymartin
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,793
    Graduale Romanum (EF) Page numbers from Graduale 1961 on Musica Sacra website,

    Spiritus Domini replevit orbem, [91].

    Beata gens, [91].

    Veni, Sancte Spiritus, [92].

    Emitte Spiritum tuum, [93].

    (Pascal Alleluia)
    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 293.
    Veni, Sancte Spiritus, 293.

    Confirma hoc Deus, [94].

    Factus est repente [94]
    Thanked by 1hartleymartin
  • If it is an EF Mass, the proper chants may be found here.
  • Thanks for that. I am glad that all the propers except for Spiritus qui a Patre Procedit are also available in the SEP should this turn out to be an OF mass.

  • Graduale Romanum (OF) - Outside of Lent

    Caritas Dei diffusa est, 248.
    Spiritus Domini replevit orbem, 252.

    Beata gens, 333.

    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 249, vel 253.
    Veni, Sancte Spiritus, 253

    Confirma hoc Deus, 255.
    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 250.

    Spiritus qui a Patre procedit, 233.
    Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos, 232.

    I take it that since there are two of each Introit, Offertory and Communion that either may be used?
  • Also, are the propers for Votive Mass to the Holy Spirit DURING LENT similar? I have a hunch that lots of people will want such masses to invoke the Holy Spirit whilst the Conclave is running for the election of Benedict XVI's successor.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    I take it that since there are two of each Introit, Offertory and Communion that either may be used?


    And, since you asked, for anybody looking for the OF Propers for a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit during Lent...

    Graduale Romanum (OF) - During Lent

    Dum sanctificatus fuero in vobis, 249.

    Beata gens, 333.

    Emitte Spiritum tuum, 661

    Levabo oculos meos, 78.

    Gustate et videte, 303.
  • Ah drat, Levabo Oculos Meos isn't in the SEP...

    Adam, could we convince you to write one? PLEASE?
  • Is there an idex of the Graduale Romanum available for the commons and votive masses?
  • The 1961 Graduale Romanum has a comprehensive index in the back. For the OF, the Ordo Cantus Missæ (1972, 1987) is the index.
  • Is the latter available online?
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    The OCM is not available online, although I don't see why one couldn't post a simplified index of the information contained therein online somewhere. (While I haven't studied it in depth, some of it seems redundant, or I'm not getting for what reason all the different lists are double- and triple- cross-referenced.)

    I know most of us aren't financially wealthy, but I have a copy of the OF Graduale I bought years ago, and it has proved immensely handy. I also purchased the Ordo Cantus Missae recently when I needed to look up some propers for a feast in the OF added to the calendar between 1974 (the Graduale) and 1987. If anybody does serious chant work with the OF, he or she should invest in at least one of these.

    I don't off-hand know which of the two is cheaper, but if the OCM is cheaper, you can probably make do with that and the EF Graduale Romanum which is available online.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    The OCM is about $25; the Newman Book Store in DC can mail it to you (probably cheaper than ordering it from Rome.)