23. Then the readings follow. A reader goes to the ambo and proclaims the reading. Afterwards
a psalmist or a cantor sings or says the Psalm with the people making the response. Then all
rise, the Priest says, Let us pray and, after all have prayed for a while in silence, he says the
prayer corresponding to the reading. In place of the Responsorial Psalm a period of sacred
silence may be observed, in which case the pause after Let us pray is omitted.
GIRM 61. ... In the Dioceses of the United States of America, instead of the Psalm assigned in the Lectionary,
there may be sung either the Responsorial Gradual from the Graduale Romanum, or the Responsorial
Psalm or the Alleluia Psalm from the Graduale Simplex, as described in these books, or an antiphon and
Psalm from another collection of Psalms and antiphons, including Psalms arranged in metrical form,
providing that they have been approved by the Conference of Bishops or the Diocesan Bishop. Songs
or hymns may not be used in place of the Responsorial Psalm.
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