What Music are you Playing for Easter
  • I'm a new member. We have a small, growing choir, but I'm a fairly accomplished organist who can handle a difficult prelude/postlude. Will also have a trumpeter/timpanist for Easter morning. I saw a list of things for 2011 as to what people were playing (organ, instrumental and choir) and would like to get suggestions for a lower-level ability choir along with more difficult instrumetal pieces.

  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Our choir sings the Paschal troparion (mostly recessional) in three languages (Latin, Arabic, and Greek), and we just love the drone.
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    aldrich, any links to videos??
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Unfortunately, we do not normally tape our Masses.
  • Here's what we typically have on Easter Sunday:

    Church of the Ascension, Chicago USA
    David Schrader, organist - Thomas Wikman, choirmaster

    The Solemn High Mass of Easter Day

    Preludes: Johann Pezel (1639-1694)
    Sonata 63
    Sonata 64
    Sonata 73
    - Barbara Butler and Charles Geyer, trumpets; Thomas Wikman, organ

    Organist for the Mass: David Schrader

    At the Solemn Procession, Hymns
    179: "Welcome, happy morning!" (Fortunatus)
    207: Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter Hymn)

    Introit: Resurrexi - Mode IV with fauxbourdons by Thomaes DeWitt

    Kyrie eleison and Gloria in excelsis: Flor Peeters - Missa Festiva

    Gradual: Haec dies, Mode II

    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum, Mode VII

    Sequence Hymn 183: Christians, to the Paschal victim (Victimae Paschali laudes)

    Fanfare following the Gospel: Johann Vierdanck - Capriccio a due cornetti

    At the sprinkling of the people: Vidi aquam, Mode VIII

    Offertory: Terra tremuit, Mode IV

    Motet: Giovanni Bassano - Dic nobis, Maria

    Offertory Hymn 199 & 200: Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
    (Stanzas 1 & 3: St Kevin; Stanzas 2 & 4: Gaudeamus pariter)

    Sanctus and Benedictus: Peeters

    Agnus Dei: Peeters

    Communion: Everett Titcomb and Mode VI - Pascha nostrum

    Communion Music: Orlando di Lasso - Ricercare "Fulgebunt justus"

    Communion Hymn 175: Hail thee, festival day! (Salve festa dies)

    Closing Hymn 210: The day of resurrection! (Ellacombe)

    Postlude for Organ and Trumpets: Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto in C Major
    Thanked by 2canadash CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206

    Wonderful to see Everett Titcomb's "Christ our Passover" incorporated with the Mode VI "Pascha nostrum." Thanks, and I wish I could be there!

  • The Titcomb antiphon and canticle at the Communion are for me the musical high point. Especially as we're receiving the Sacrament! Almost wouldn't be Easter without it (it's sung at the Great Vigil at Communion as well).
  • I purchased a copy of "My Spirit Be Joyful" - J.S. Bach/arr. E.Power Biggs (2 trpts./organ)from the "Easter Cantata" for my choir director organist for this Easter. He played through it and is looking forward to hiring 2 trumpters for the Easter Vigil / Easter Sun. Mass. If you want an organ solo, I suggest "Incantation pour jour Saint" - J. Langlais. Not eeasy, but not impossible either. The last page is most difficult. Would suggest you begin working on it NOW!! If you have a copy of the old Piux X Hymnal, there are some very nice 3-4 part anthems for Holy Week and Easter.