The Horrable Trend of Priase Band in Church
  • What's Happing in so many Church around the Country is awful The church that I Belong to the Senior Pastor Died and The Church Hired a young Senior Minister .The church has a very Large Pipe Organ The Organ is not being used No choir No Concert Series no sacred Music just loud Praise bands.If a Church wants Praise Music then Have a seperated Worship Service for those who want this type of Music It is fine for reteats for the teenages but Let the Sacred Music that the Mass was known for centries once a gain fill the Churches with Sacred music like Gregorian Chants Mozart JsBach and CM widor.
    Thanked by 1donr
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    Well said, swellbox1!
  • Sounds like what happened to Coral Ridge Presbyterian,,,, Dr. Kennedy died, and now they have a young "surfer" senior pastor, who wants nothing but praise & worship. That beautiful Rufatti just sits unused half of the time. Very very sad!!
  • Regrettably, the "happy-clappy-sacra-pop" virus is spreading throughout most of the large denominational churches in this country. The older generation who appreciates quality liturgy/music are dying off. So the powers that be in these churches are trying to attract a younger generation of congregants with this viral music. I think that there is some success with it, because this younger generation has no knowledge or experience with quality music/liturgy. Unless the music in church reflects the kind of music they listen to on a daily basis, they may not attend. But I'm also told that younger men and women who are entering the seminaries these days tend to be more "conservative" liturgically and musically. Hopefully that can make a difference. I'm singing in an Episcopal church choir here in my city because the music in the Catholic churches here is "tepid" at best. We sing chant, Palestrina, Vittoria, Mozart, Howells, Stanford, Mendelssohn, Handel, J.S. Bach to name few at my church, and I'm very happy there. It is the closest I can get to be near my Catholici roots.
  • I, too, have been to severael Episcopal churches where the music is more "Catholic" than in the Catholic Churches. I've also seen many young men entering seminary with more classical views on music, including polyphony.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    "Praise him with cymbals"

    I've had choir members tell me that we need to bring back the tambourine, and cite this psalm to prove that this is what God wants!
    Thanked by 1jpal
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    And some people say that David danced before the Ark, so we should allow dancing in worship.
    If they're willing to dress as David did then, I might be willing to consider it.

  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Well, David had to have some "smoove" moves as a hoofer, 'cause Bathsheba didn't just accede to his wishes, ahem, 'cause "He was da King."
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,995
    Nah, with liturgical dancers what you usually get is a decrepit old nun in leotards. You've heard the term, "ugly as sin?"
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    In my book, the definition of liturgical dance is "a stout nun waving a ribbon on a stick".
    But we digress.
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Can't resist posting a classic!
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    213 x 237 - 8K
  • Don't even get me started with people citing psalms that call for "praising" with lutes, harps, cymbals, etc. Not too long ago I was told I was a "heathen music director" because I didn't understand the Book of Psalms. Good grief!
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    I feel your pain swellbox. My only advice is network your butt off. Know absolutely every musician within a 50-mile radius, get with or gather up the ones with their heads screwed on right, and put together alternatives and take any church gig you can get.
  • In my book, the definition of liturgical dance is "a stout nun waving a ribbon on a stick".

    Don't forget lifting. There's always meaningful lifting of something or other.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,995
    You have to build, lift up, gather, and bear fruit. Don't you long for the good old days when you just had to attend mass?
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217

    Well, now you've done it. I was watching your attached video with much amusement. My wife came in and started watching. I'm afraid she'll now need therapy! I've been pretty lucky to avoid the worst of liturgical abuses during time in ministry (that doesn't mean I haven't seen my share of abuses, however.) This is a sobering reminder that those abuses are most definitely out there! This is so scary.
    Thanked by 1jpal
  • What on earth was that?? That could not possibly have been a Mass. What was the whole purpose of that celebration??? I have seen atrocities to liturgy before, but nothing to that extent. That's really appalling.

    I wonder if anyone has reported that to the bishop of that diocese.
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Yup, a Mass. You can thank this organization.
    Thanked by 1ContraBombarde
  • Hmmm, I just took a look at the youtube site for comments, apparently they say they are breakaway Catholics that are not in communion with the Catholic Church?

    That video was ,,,,,,,,, you can just fill in the blank.

    I have seen some liturgical dancing before, but nothing to the extent of the blasphemy committed in that video.
    Thanked by 1jpal
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Earlier this week the Vatican's papal theologian said women can't be priests because they don't think like men about leaking roofs.

    Anyone have a source for this? Methinks it might be fabrication.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Wasn't that at a Call to Action conference up north somewhere? Old news. Advert for the biological solution (which I suppose includes me now!) I remember thinking when I first saw this years ago I wondered if any of the congregants lapsed into either a nap or actually passed onto their reward due to the tempo used for Nettleton alone?
    Thanked by 2redsox1 jpal
  • I am not sure if this is what you are looking for Ryan, but here is a link

    Why Women Can't Be Priests
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Wasn't that at a Call to Action conference up north somewhere? Old news.

    I don't know if it was up north, but yes, it's Call to Action from 2008 and has become kind of the poster video of liturgical murder.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    The cause of progressivism in the Church would be greatly aided if all progressives stayed home and kept their mouths shut for the next ten-to-twenty years.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    So shut up already, Adam! ;-)
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood Gavin
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,995
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    As a proper liberal, I know that advice about what groups of people should do only applies to other people, never to myself.
    Thanked by 1jpal
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    Can we have a moratorium on that video? Playing it on our site promotes an exaggerated notion of how common such freaky abuses are.

    After all, it has been played over 100,000 times, while only a few hundred people were actually at the event. It happened five years ago at a conference in California for doctrinal dissenters. (I'm almost ready to say "heretics"). It was held in some conference center, not a Catholic facility. The local diocese couldn't stop the event, if they knew it was happening at all. Even the celebrant came from outside the country. In sum, the event says *nothing* about the state of the Catholic Church in that diocese.

    Instead of assessing the extent of liturgical abuse based on videos on the net, you'd be more realistic to think about what you have witnessed personally.
  • Just watched this appalling pagan ritual. It looked to be a cross between a ritual dance preparation for Salem witch burnings of the 1600s and a badly choreographed musical that would close after 3 performances. Martha Graham, Jerome Robbins and George Balanchine would turn over in their graves. Is this representative of what the church is using for their "Come Home Again" program? Come home to that spectacle? I thought the flame for liturgical dance had burned itself out 20 yrs. ago. Apparently it still smolders. Let us gather and form a bucket brigade!!!
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Can we have a moratorium on that video?

    I would agree that because the video is five or so years ago and has an some unusual context, that those of us committed to fighting bad liturgy are in danger of overplaying our hand. On the other hand, if the objection is that it "says *nothing* about the state of the Catholic Church in that diocese", I'd ask which diocese in California because if it is Mahonyland, there are videos of that that are every bit as hair-curling. As far as personal witness, many of us have witnessed parish liturgies that had all the banal, truth-obscuring spirit of the CTA, but were insidious rather than flagrant--and we see plenty of willingness by the witness to give an account of them. It's a both/and rather than an either/or thing.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I have never personally been to a Mass with puppets. Other than that, I have personally witnessed just about every conceivable liturgical abuse, and gleefully participated in a few I'd rather not mention.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    Scott, the conference was held in San Jose, so most of the people there presumably came from the various dioceses around the Bay area. And I suppose it does reflect something about the state of the Church: there certainly is a lot of dissent in that region. It would have been good for the diocese to pre-emptively forbid the celebration of Mass there, but they didn't -- and I doubt that they knew about the puppets.
  • Those were puppets?? Does anyone know what the purpose of all that was supposed to have been or represent?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    By the way, yes, ContraBombarde, some of the people there are not members of the Catholic Church, but belong to breakaway sects.
  • It looks like it is a more charismatic type of (not sure I could call that Mass) service. If that guy was an ordained priest in good standing, I can't imagine how he could still be considered in good standing or in communion with the Catholic Church.

    Perhaps that was done under the pretenses of the Liberal Catholic Church or some other break off sect as you mentioned Chonak?
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    Those were puppets?? Does anyone know what the purpose of all that was supposed to have been or represent?

    From an earlier discussion of the incident elsewhere:

    The left-wing puppet aesthetic goes back to the 1960s and Bread and Puppet Theater, which performed at all sorts of protests and featured a giant Uncle Sam puppet. Given that many of these current Catholic dissidents cut their teeth back then, it’s easy for them to have borrowed the idea.

    And as for using them in churches, I guess it’s the same as breaking into a missile plant and spray-painting graffiti. The mentality is to go right to the source of what you’re protesting. You’re right, however, to point out that it shows a complete loss of understanding of what goes on in a church, especially at Mass.
    Thanked by 1ContraBombarde
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    I wish we could deny any connection to the event and say that the celebrant was clearly not a Catholic, but he was retired bishop Remi de Roo of Victoria, B.C. (a notorious dissenter who, after retiring, apologized for wrecking the finances of his diocese).
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    (does the title of this drive anyone besides me crazy? every. single. time. i read it...)
    Thanked by 3Adam Wood Gavin Spriggo
  • Are you referring to the misspelling of praise? or just the title/idea in general?
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    "priase" AND "horrable"
  • I agree, perhaps swellbox1 could edit his/her post?

    I didn't even notice the "horrable". I couldn't get past the word "band". That was enough to drive me nuts.
  • Scott_WScott_W
    Posts: 468
    I only noticed the misspelling now that it is pointed out. It's funny because my wife can pick up a single-spaced 8x11 paper full of text and the misspellings and grammatical errors will leap out at her like mathematical patterns leaped out at that guy in A Beautiful Mind and I on the other hand apparently just mentally decode them without recognizing the errors.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,226
    "Horrable Priase"? Isn't that in the title of a Tarantino movie?
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    No, RC, but you were close. "Horrable Priase" was the name of the assassin sent to assassinate Beatrx Kiddo (aka "Black Mamba",) or was it Beatrix Potter or Mediatrix Potter (?) in the hotel in LA near LAX in Kill Bill, Volume Deux (pronounced "ducks",) which he (Tarantino) blithely and without consultation removed and left on the cutting room floor, consternating tens of people, fans of the illustrated comix, er, novel.
    OTOH, "Horrable Priase" might have been some sort of homeopathic remedy for male, uh........uh.........a condition only males can periodically, uh.....uh.....occasionally experience (or so I've heard) that was on an infomercial I happened to catch a few times in the dead of night on the TeeVee. Funny, I think that the host of the hour and a half sales presentation was also Mr. Tarantino. There now, all better?