I know that the Kyrie was traditionally sung 9 times, but modern practice seems to prefer only 6. The Vatican II hymnal seems to indicate that the final variation should only be used when singing it 9 times. Is there any protocol for this? What do others do? I'm thinking the congregation will likely only sing the "eleison" which is the same regardless. I'm looking specifically at Mass XI, but the it would be applicable to any.
I have to disagree with Jeff on this one. It seems to make more sense to use the different termination on the final time, even if it is only sung 6 times. And if I recall, that's what the graduale romanum does too.
Yep, the Ordo Cantus Missae specifies that the plainchant Kyries should be sung only twice if the same melody is repeated, but if not (e.g. Kyrie V) it should be sung in full.
If only the third termination is different, then you sing the first melody once, then the final melody. The norms are in the Graduale, p. 709.
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