English Adaptation of the O Antiphons
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Does anyone know if there's any good plainsong adaptations (current LOTH translation, melodically based on the originals) of the O antiphons? Specifically, I'm looking for this Wednesday's:

    O Flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in worship before you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid.

    I'm pretty sure this is "O Radix Jesse," but I'm not completely sure, I haven't double-checked.

    If not, I can just do it, but I'd love not to if I don't need to...
  • There's a very nice English setting of the Great Antiphons that comes from an Anglican source -- I don't know the composer or where it might be found, but I have a photocopy of all seven (plus O Virgo Virginum) that the choir director at my old parish gave me. It just says "English Hymnal #734" and "from a liturgical theme" at the top.

    I checked the scan of the English Hymnal that Adam Wood linked to a few months ago and there is no musical notation at #734, just the text of the antiphons. So this thing I have is kind of mysterious. Would love to know more about it.

    Obviously it doesn't use the modern ICEL translations but the melody adapts very readily. I was able to sing the text you posted to this setting without any effort. It's simple and stirring, and I'd say loosely inspired by the original chant. My family has used it at the dinner table from the 17th to the 23rd for a few years now and the kids absolutely love it. Would be happy to post a scan of one here if that doesn't violate any laws or rules of common decency.
  • I have these antiphons set to Anglican English. If anyone would like to have them for next year, I can mail you copies. (Sorry, putting them on the inernet is beyond my current computer expertise.)
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Ben, I seem to recall seeing these in an edition from St. Meinrad, IIRC.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Here's the one I ended up quickly putting together for tomorrow night, if anyone else wants to use it:

    (f3)O(ehhg) Flo(hf)wer(gf) of(e) Jes(e)se’s(f) {stem},(f) *(,) you(f) have(fg) been(f) raised(f) up(f) as(f) a(f) sign(g) for(f) all(gh) peo(fgf){ples};(e.) (;) kings(f) stand(cf) si(f)lent(f) in(fg) your(g_h) pres(jxiji){ence};(jkj.) (;) the(j) na(ji)tions(ij) bow(i) down(h) in(g) wor(h)ship(g) be(fgwh)fore(he) {you}.(e.) (:) {Come},(eh) let(g) no(hg)thing(f) keep(ef) you(fv_EC.) (,) from(ef) com(hg)ing(e) to(gh) our(f) {aid}.(f.) (::) (hr0//////g///f///h.) (:) (hr0//////g///f.) (::)