Where Can I Get Marian Antiphons in PDF format? (SN or MN)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894
    Have been searching around and looking for a good source. Any suggestions? (qualification: preferably typeset and not scanned)
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205

    I just grabbed the scans from the Liber Usualis to put into booklets I made for Sunday Vespers. Here's a Word document with the scans in them, sized for half-sheets.

    I think I'll start making a fresh version now and post the results here as PDFs. Check back later tonight or tomorrow for the clean versions.

    EDIT: Oops, the Word doc didn't download correctly when I checked it and now I get an error when trying to upload the PDF. Instead, here is a link to the PDF instead (still grabbed from the LU):

    For the Salve Regina, you can check out nice fresh sample pages from the Parish Book of Chant here for 3 variations:
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Of course it took a bit longer than I thought to get one done...

    Here's the PDF of Alma Redemptoris Mater as clean as I can get it. I'm using the Meinrad fonts in Word, and there seems to be something just slightly off with the staff lines just above and below a note in the middle space. Does anybody else have this problem? But it should print ok, especially if you shrink it somewhat.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    I tweaked the Alma Redeptoris Mater, adding a title at the top and English translation at the bottom. I did the same for the Anthems to the BVM linked above. After setting the first, it's not worth it to my eye to do two more, so I'll leave that job to someone else!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894
    WOW! These are fantastic! Thanks, Dan. I am out here in my new DOM post in Wyoming, 2000 miles from my homeland. I mustered up the courage to intone the Salve Regina after communion for the Assumption thinking I was going to sing a solo and to my greatest astonishment, the WHOLE CONGREGRATION JOINED IN including the celebrant. I was shocked, amazed and almost cried.

    Thanks for the PDF's.

    At a funeral on Thursday morning, the family asked me to chant In Paradisum and their own daughter provided music in latin also. Truly the tide is changing!
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Wonderful! It's good to hear that some tunes linger in people's ears. I'd glad the files were helpful.
  • priorstf
    Posts: 460
    Dan F - I've noticed the "bump" in the line above middle space notes on the screen when I've used Meinrad, but it does seem to print out just fine. I think it's just a case of WYSI(almost)WYG. The final results have been very clean even when I convert to PDF and print.