For those who enjoy using the Palmer-Burgess adaptation of the Gregorian propers into English, it may be of interest that the convent of Anglican nuns at Wantage responsible for publishing them and permitting their reprint by the CMAA has become Catholic and rests now within the fold of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, England's equivalent of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter in the US. The order will now be known as the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Founded on 2 February 1848, the same day on which Bl J.H. Newman founded the London Oratory, they are/were the oldest religious order in the Church of England - fruit of the Oxford Movement.
It was money from these nuns that is responsible for helping to finance one of Dr. William Renwick's latest and very important projects. I was personally helped by them once too.
How marvelous that they will never again be considered from a technical point as " protestants " ! They are most gracious sisters.
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