Notre Dame - Gradual AND Song after Consecration...
  • Interesting....pages from a recent Mass.
  • Yeah, the French do stuff like that. They sometimes have an organ voluntary (or even a hymn) after the gospel as well, IIRC.

    Was this Notre Dame in Paris?
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    When I was in Paris, organ music after the gospel (as well as in place of the Offertory) was ubiquitous.
  • Paris
  • I'm wondering if they will be doing this when the Holy Father visits this weekend. Methinks this may not happen, but, if it does, someone will put an end to that custom really quick.

    I thought that both the GIRM and RS said no music during the Eucharistic Prayer.
  • frogman noel,
    Was this a Mass of Paul VI at Notre Dame de Paris? The notation of 'Dominus vobiscum/ Et cum spiritu tuo' before the collect raises a question in my mind, as this isn't part of the Mass of Paul VI, right?

    In Paris last month, I attended Sunday Mass at an archdiocesan parish (St Eugene) that offers the Traditional Latin Mass. They had choral music both after the Consecration and during the Last Gospel.

    I attended some weekday Masses at Notre Dame Cathedral, but not a Sunday Mass.
  • GIRM of France may differ from English Bishop's version.

    This was the Feast of the Assumption, I believe.
  • David Sullivan,
    Perhaps the choral music after the Consecration that you hear in Paris was the singing of the Mass movement "Benedictus." In the older order of Mass, it was the custom to sing the this movement after the consecration. That's why the older choral Mass settings have a separate movement for this text.
  • What was sung was:

    Après la Consécration
    O salutaris hostia – François Giroust (1739 † 1799), maître de chapelle du roi Louis XVI
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Delighted to see you posting here, Fr Schiavone... be a regular?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • john schiavone,
    You're right about the custom of splitting Sanctus and Benedictus. We often do this even with chant settings for TLMs in Washington and Baltimore.
    In the case of the Mass in Paris that I attended, the program in front of me indicates the music after the Consecration was a setting of O Salutaris Hostia. Curiously, the same text as in the program frogman noel showed us.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    The French have always done their own thing musically, with some pretty good results. As far as I can tell, they never really cared what anyone else thought about that. Good for them!
  • In fact, shame on me for not having remembered this, but, Pope Benedict noted that the Sanctus and Benedictus were indeed split up. He actually favored returning to that. I believe that this came up in eihter "A New Song to the Lord" or "Spirit of the Liturgy."

    Fr. Schiavone, I'm a newbie at this, but, welcome.