Rounds & Blessings by McLaughlin & Reilly - 1961
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    Does anyone have a copy of the M&R 1961 publication containing liturgical rounds and blessings? (I have the GIA publication by Prof. Tortolano.) The M&R publication was an unbound octavo folder with rounds in the front and fauxbourdon blessings for Christmas trees and cribs etc. toward the rear. I must have loaned out my copy years ago, and I am missing copies of some pages.
  • Sorry I can't help, but I would love a copy of the blessings section!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,867
    me too
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    Don't know if this would satisfy, but there are some songs like this in a book published by M&R in 1963, Christian Life in Song (ed. Paul R. Ladd). I can scan and send some pages to you if you would like.
  • WGS
    Posts: 301

    What you have is certainly related if not the same thing. I don't have the cover page of what I had, but there is a reference to "Christian Life in Song" on my page 2.

    I have attached my page 2 with three rounds all easily done and fun too. I do have pages 3-7. The blessings came later in the folder, and I do not have those pages.

    Does your copy match what I have? I would appreciate seeing the pages that come after page 7. I'm sure others might like to see pages 2-7 and perhaps the title page too.

    For many years, my choir and choral society associates would have a grand Epiphany Party at my house. The major efforts of the concert and liturgical season were past, and it was time to relax and celebrate with a potluck dinner, adult beverages and rounds (albeit some quite unliturgical).
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    I'll have to get back to when when I can dig up my copy of CLIS.
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    fauxbourdon blessings for Christmas trees and cribs etc. toward the rear


    I wonder if in various places and times there was more music used to accompany e.g. the versicles and responses of the blessings in the Rituale. This would be some evidence (albeit very late) towards that idea.
  • rich_enough,

    Just wondering if you were able to dig up your copy of CLIS, and if so, does it have the fauxbourdon blessings? I'd love to see those. Thanks.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    Here are the scans of the blessings from Christian Life in Song. They are not in one place but in different sections of the books devoted to various feasts.
    Blessing of Wreath (Advent).jpg
    1134 x 1495 - 239K
    Blessing of Christmas Crib.jpg
    1044 x 1416 - 236K
    Blessing of Christmas Tree.jpg
    1042 x 906 - 164K
    Blessing of a House (Epiphany).jpg
    1429 x 1511 - 238K
  • Very cool. Thanks. Looking for a copy to purchase now.
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    Thank you rich_enough.
    That is what I was looking for. By the way, if anyone else was interested in the round "Drop down dew" as shown on page 1 from rich_enough, you may find that the page doesn't print all the way to the bottom. You can find that round on my attachment above from Dec 2012.
  • I'm curious to know from where the texts of those blessings were taken. I like them better than the ones from the Book of Blessings.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    If you're looking for Christian Life in Song by Paul Ladd, I've had a very hard time finding copies - much like the choir edition of Marier's great Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Canticles. So far I've gotten two of the Ladd books in four years looking on,, and UsedBookSearch, which together comb all the major used sellers worldwide. I suspect it went through only a single printing, so copies are very rare. Let me know if you find one!