Please pray for me - committee has to decide whether or not to take me on as music director
  • Generally South African Catholic music is in a bad state. Most work is done on voluntary basis with the obvious results. I have offered to do 3 parish's music and start a music school for $850 per month including payment of organists, sourcing/training of singers and musicians and scores budget. Please pray that I can do what I love and get some sort of income. Any encouragement and advice would be most welcome! Thank you!
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,507
    Oh, may God bless you abundantly. As for scores, go to Frogman's catholic choirbook because it is free. Also, check out There are thousands of free scores there too.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Prayers for your success.
    Thanked by 1Priestboi
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be grateful for improvements, even if you wish they were bigger.
  • Priestbol - I will pray for you and have my choir pray for you too.
    Pray for me as well, because I just found out that the parish finances are so bad that myself and my little staff of talented, beautiful music students probably will be out of jobs on Jan. 31.
    I don't know if my expertise as a music teacher would be helpful to you, but please feel free to email or message me. I can offer ideas on how to get children to sing harmony, latin, chant, etc.
    Be at peace. All will be have offered to do something beautiful for God and He has hired you already. :)
  • jj_catholicjj_catholic
    Posts: 10
    I pray for you.
    here in my place church musicians are not even paid. we have to use our limited resources just to serve the Lord. when i say "limited" i mean really limited. not complaining just saying that the hardship and sacrifice of a church musician is very real in our place but when i see the kids im teaching everything is worth it.
    God Bless to all of you.

    Thanked by 1JulieColl