New bishop chairman of USCCB worship committee
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    From the CNA news:
    In addition, the bishops tapped Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston to lead the Committee on Divine Worship, which oversees matters related to the Liturgy.
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    Is this good news or bad news? Musically speaking?
  • Given that Cardinal DiNardo is the only Cardinal in Texas, and in a "non-traditional" see, in terms of solid theology one can hope that progress can be made. I don't know anything about how he runs his diocese.

    He's the "point man" on Pro-Life Issues, I believe.

  • Very good news.

    I don't have the reference here, but he once said something to his priests to the effect of "Regarding liturgical abuses, I'm serious here ... go ahead, make my day."
  • Cardinal DiNardo loves music, sings every mass that he celebrates, and encourages his clergy to sing theirs. Church musicians could not hope for a better friend. He once said that he grew up near an Orthodox church and was fascinated that their liturgy was always sung, and was moved to imitate what he had heard. (As everyone here probably knows already, the Orthodox cannot conceive of any liturgy other than sung... it just doesn't exist!)
    Cardinal DiNardo is also a great friend of the Anglican ordinariate and has made his seminary in Houston (St Mary's) available for the preparation of Episcopalian priests who are becoming Catholic ones - besides providing office space for the ordinariate. Whenever he visits our Lady of Walsingham he sings our Anglican Use mass as if he had grown up with it.
    His election to this post should be cause for singing a Te Deum! He is a wonderful cardinal-archbishop.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I talked with Cardinal DiNardo a few years ago at the ordination of Bishop Cantu, and found that he likes "all kinds" of church music.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    (Technically he is a cardinal-priest, I think).
  • JennyH
    Posts: 106
    (As everyone here probably knows already, the Orthodox cannot conceive of any liturgy other than sung... it just doesn't exist!)

    And as some may not know, it is always the same music, over and over again. It never changes, just like our Baptismal Rite. I've observed an older lady once sing the entire service, though it is normally a very simple setting in double thirds. This is quite a contrast from the venerable Roman Rite, with its riches of Propria, Mass Ordinaries, and so forth.
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Actually, it isn't the same music all the time. The tones change with the seasons and major feasts. It is still simple and easily memorized.
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • francis
    Posts: 10,880
    simple beautiful is always welcome in the place of noise
    Thanked by 1ryand