Just wondering what your suggestions/treasures are! Looking for simple yet beautiful titles in various languages, either unison, 2-part, or canon.
Does anyone know of some kind of "Gloria" canon (not the full text of the Mass, but just a simple piece with the text "Gloria in excelsis Deo", since that is integral to Christmas!)
There is a Taize Gloria in canon. It's not long, and the recordings I heard on quick online perusal were...less than stellar, but it's definitely a joyful little canon.
Jubilate Deo (the round, not the book) is going well with the kids here. They were excited when the other week, we went into a 4 part round instead of 2.
There are several Taize canons that are simple and beautiful - Patricia Cecilia, thanks for the reminder!
Also on Christmas Eve, the kids are singing "Adore Te Devote" in English. Simple, but they are convinced it is cool that a saint wrote it.
I've been hunting around recently for my children's choir too. At this point in the year, I'm slowly trying to sneak in some simple harmonies for them, but I can't do anything too elaborate. One thing I found for Advent that I really like is this: http://www.pnms.co.uk/small-choirs/downloads/index.html#creator_of_the_stars
It's teaching them the melody of Conditor alme siderum, but it's translated to English and switches between the chant and then a more metered version of the chant with a descant on top for some variety.
My problem with the kids is that I still struggle with filtering out things that are a bit too complex for them, even if it is still only two parts. I find things that I love and then get to rehearsal and realize I may have bitten off more than they can chew!
I actually prefer the digital download since I can just print the pages I need and put them in a binder for the choir.
It is difficult selecting repertoire for a children's choir since there are often so many unknowns. Lst minute programming changes are inevitable I suppose.
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