Kathleen Pluth's Advent Calendar of Hymn Tune Propers
  • Kathy (if I make bold to call her that) has recently published the latest version of her Advent calendar of the daily introit metricalized at The Chant Cafe:

    I will be using these with my Anglicans this Advent for the 'anthem at the Advent Candle Lighting', as in Advent and Lent we do not sing the Introit but alternate The Great Litany and The Decalogue in procession. For the last several years we have used selections from the O antiphons for these little spots before the liturgy, but I really miss the Introits and did not feel that we had the time to learn the Plainsong Gradual versions, so I decided to use Kathy's.

    For Advent I (Ad te levavi) and II (Populus Sion) I set the words to the tune The King's Majesty (Hymnal 1940, #64, 1st tune, which in my experience is hardly ever sung for Palm Sunday). For Advent III (Gaudete) I used Wareham (Hymnal 1940, #119, a Transfiguration hymn "O wondrous type"), and for Advent IV (Rorate coeli) I used Duke Street (Hymnal 1940 and others, Jesus shall reign/O come, Creator Spirit, come et al). I also set Advent IV to The King's Majesty as my first choice, but then decided that with the rest of the music we are doing that day I wanted an easily-recognizable tune. (It will be preceded by I look from afar (the traditional one based on a fragment of Palestrina).

    The King's Majesty is still under copyright so I won't post it here, but here are Advent III and Advent IV for anyone who might find them useful. (Edit: I just noticed that the Duke Street descant is by Lois Fyfe, whose Christ Church Descant Books my sopranos basically have memorized; if Lois objects, I will supply a version without the descant.)
    Pluth Advent Introits III IV.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,219
    To save having to hunt up the other thread concerning these Hymn Tune Introits of Kathy's, here are:

    (a) The Sunday Introits, to the tune CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM ("Creator of the Stars of night"), all on a singe 7" x 8.5" (half legal) page (suitable for pew card or bulletin insert), no Psalm verses (which would be sung by the choir, if used).

    (b) The weekday Introits, to the tunes WINCHESTER NEW ("On Jordan's bank") for the weekdays before December 17 and VENI VENI EMMANUEL ("O come, O come Emmanuel") for weekdays December 17–24, with the Doxology set to Anglican chant. These are printed, 2-up (side by side) on 8.5" x 14" legal paper.

    (c) The complete Hymn Tune Introits booklet (7" x 8.5" pages), including the the Psalm verses set to Anglican chant for the Sunday Antiphons.

    The Anglican chant and the harmonizations of the hymn tunes are all my own work, and the hymn tune settings in particular are intended to lend a sense of dignity and solemnity to the Introit Antiphons that is a little different from the standard ones found in most hymnals. Of course, the standard harmonies could be substituted, if desired.
    F12-Hymn Tune Introits for Advent-Sundays.pdf
    F12-Hymn Tune Introits for Advent-weedays.pdf
    F12-Hymn Tune Introits for Advent.pdf
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    Thanks so much to both of you.

    Chuck, I owe you a full year of introits. It's nearly finished--expect it in early Dec or before.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,219
    Thanks to you, too, Kathy. And I owe you and everyone several traditional Long Meter hymn tunes, each supplied with new harmonizations, as well as Anglican chant for Psalm verses.
  • Both of you, please get on this.
    Thanked by 1kenstb
  • Charles, I really like what you have done with combining a hymn tune with newly-composed Anglican chant, so please don't feel slighted that I'm "just" using Kathy's texts with standard hymn tunes. I mainly wanted them to be short and sweet so that no one says, "that thing at the candle-lighting went on too long or (Heaven forfend!) delayed the beginning of the service..."

    And it goes without saying that Kathy's texts are, of course, wonderful.

    But I do want to see the completed project so that I have it in my 'arsenal', so to speak, :-), for future reference.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    1. If anyone is ever paid for these compositions, I want half please, to support my hymn text habit.
    2. Let's put the Hymn Tune Propers or Hymn Tune Introits brand name on the page, the word or symbol "copyright," and my name (Kathleen Pluth) and "used with permission." The reason is that there are very few rhymes to go around, English being stubborn that way. I'd like to keep these texts unencumbered. This means I need to hold the copyright. I've given other kinds of texts away to composers, thinking, "I can always write more," but with these, it's not always clear that I can write many more. Often it's a tight squeeze just to do it once per proper text.

    I keep receiving encouraging messages from pastors who use these, by the way.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,219
    Kathy, I totally agree ... and you know it!!
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    I know you know that I know, iij. I'm just sorry I've been slow to get you the whole shooting match. There are good reasons, but I am sorry!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,219
    Don't be sorry, Kathy, dear friend. We all have full plates.
  • aria
    Posts: 85
    I couldn't get the link in the first post to work, but I believe it's supposed to be this: http://www.chantcafe.com/2013/08/an-advent-calendar-of-hymn-tune-introits.html

    [Fixed. Thanks. --admin]