Abbreviated Antiphon / Calling anybody who's an expert with the Divine Office
  • My understanding is that the Antiphon always used to be SHORTENED — in other words, the first word or two words would be sung, THEN the Antiphon, THEN the entire Antiphon.

    I think Pius X changed this.

    Can anyone else please confirm this?

    Please use language that is very clear and easy to understand for people who are not experts in the Divine Office — thank you very much !


    What was the reason for this shortened antiphon?
  • This is not the same as the practice on semidoubles, simples, and ferial days of singing half the antiphon at the beginning of the psalm and all of it at the end, right?
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 394
    Upto the Codex rubricarum of 1960 (Pius X didn't change anything in this respect!) the antiphon was sung as a whole before and after it's psalm only if vespers, matins and lauds of the feasts of the high ranks - duplex feasts.
    On all other occasions (lower feasts and other hour of duplex feasts) it was like this:
    1. cantor sings just the first few words
    2. the psalm is sung (after the cantor begins it's first half-verse)
    3. the whole choir sings the entire antiphon.

    But I'm not sure how long the "always" before 1960 lasted - when this abreviated way of antiphon singing was introduced.
  • If I recall correctly, the abbreviated form was imported from Gallican sources. I think Amalarius comments on the antiphons, and even responsories, always sung in full at Rome.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Thanks!
  • jgirodjgirod
    Posts: 45
    The Codex rubricarum of 1960 has changed the terminology, no more simplex or duplex rites (the semiduplex one had already been suppressed by the 1955 reform) but classes: the third class gathers duplex major and minor. Simplex feasts become memories only. So I think it also imposed to always sing the entire antiphon before the psalm.
    Actually it is not only a change in terminology: duplex 2ae classis became 2nd class, but lost the precedence over "ordinary" Sundays and the use of the common of the saints (with the corresponding psalms and antiphons) at the Divine office.

    I personally find that starting the psalmody just after the intonation of the antiphon is usually easier than after the whole antiphon. Otherwise a longer intonation would help. Also, the intonation of the antiphon is supposed to be sufficient to determine the final to use for the psalmody.
  • Is it not true that singing only a few words of the Antiphon came to be viewed as a type of abuse? I'm not saying I disagree or agree.
  • duplex 2ae classis became 2nd class, but lost ... the use of the common of the saints

    Not quite. For the 2nd class feasts, Matins, Lauds and Vespers (and Compline) retain the festal psalms and the texts from the proper or common. The little hours (Prime through None), in turn, have the ferial psalter prescribed. The same for some 3rd class feasts that have a proper office (St. Cecilia, etc.)