Help. Need decent spanish hymns for All Saints/All Souls/Christus Rex
  • I was just given the responsibility of doing bilingual masses for all major feasts. I know NOTHING about Spanish liturgical music and would like to use selections from the Mexican Baroque, Victoria, etc. for the motets, but, I need to know some good spanish hymns that my mostly Mexican congregation will recognize. Do these hymns exist? Thanks so much for any suggestions. I have no idea what to do.
  • Tu Reinaras is one great hymn, as well as Cantemos al Amor. These are traditional, in nature, and the folks in your parish will recognize them. You can also try O Creaturas del Senor (All Creatures of Our God and King in Spanish).
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • Thanks so much Benedictgal. Do you know where I can get the sheet music?
  • Found the music for Cantemos al Amor on CPDL, thank you Charles. Looking for the rest.
  • Sorry about not being able to help much, as I am at work. The other music you can find, gasp, inside the OCP Flor y Canto book.
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Claire H
    Posts: 370
    Tied up now but will try to write in suggestions tomorrow!
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    Yo Soy el Pan de Vida
    Cancion del Cuerpo de Christo
    No tengas Miedo (Caminaras por el desierto seco)

    ¿Cómo se puede hacer que las palabras púrpura?
  • henry
    Posts: 244
    All Saints: Jerusalen (WLP)
    All Souls: Dale el Descanso Senor; La Manana Gloriosa; Yo Soy el Pan de Vida; Que los Angeles del Cielo te encuentran (All from Flor y Canto II)
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Thank you everyone. I will quickly research these options! Yikes....
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    Bendito (Communion)
    All Souls: Concedeles el descanso eterno (Rubalcava)
    Del Cielo ha bajado (Immaculate Mary, but watch the timing on the refrain)
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    Adam, si, yo quiero lo conocer tambien. Que diciste, el hombre de la rana?
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    <font color=purple>Esta es la manera de hacerlo.</font>
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    Muchas gracias por ensenarme.
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Bendito in Spanish and English
  • @ frogman - many thanks - you're my hero!
    @ Kathy - do you have any settings of those that you could post?
    @ everyone else - this has saved me......many thanks!
  • @ Adam - ????
  • Adam, i thought your last comment was a bad. Something about "the word was made purple?"
  • La forma de la rana!

    Esta es la manera de hacerlo.

    "Esta es la manera de hacerlo." - the " makes it turn purple!

    Today my wife was making pink brain frosting for cupcakes (Halloween choir rehearsal) and the frosting mix was white....she added the powder sugar, it was still white - got in the car and headed out to buy red food color and she called me, when she added the milk it turned pink!
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    My last comment was asking how to make the text purple, which seems to be coming into vogue here as an indicator that the writer is joking. This is needed, because <font color=not purple>many people around here are humor deficient and cannot tell when someone is joking. This problem is compounded by the fact that some people say ridiculous things that should be jokes, but sadly are not.</font not being purple>.
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • Well that's humorous.

    Sadly, I must be somewhere on that scale - because I was joking about the "word was made purple." Maybe my joke was not clear....a cardinal error of joke telling.

    However, I admit that I did think it was a hymn at first.....that's kind of funny, eh?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Claire H
    Posts: 370
    Sorry for delay!

    For All Saints, my choir is singing:

    Caminaré #551 F&C - matches Psalm for the day, and well-known by the congregation here

    Letanía de los Santos #398 F&C - accompanied by organ [omitting Easter Vigil section]

    El Señor lo Ha Dicho #716 F&C - a good option with short, simple refrain that the congregation can join in on, and chanted verses (the beatitudes, so perfect!) for cantor or choir

    Eres Mi Todo - a meditative, newer song that my choir knows well (not in the hymnal)

    Alabaré #376 F&C - musically not my top choice for liturgy, but it's the recessional, it's Scriptural (Revelation and referring to "the crowd of the redeemed"), and people here sing it with gusto

    Suggestions for All Souls/Funeral/Memorial:

    Nada Te Turbe #677 - St. Teresa of Avila's consoling prayer
    Cerca de Ti, Senor #526 - melody and similar text to "Nearer, My God, to Thee" (I actually use this song at other times as well: it's a good standard!)
    Que los Angeles Te Lleven #534 - a simple yet hauntingly beautiful melody
    Alma Mia #347 - another that I use for funerals. Verses from Psalm 116.

    While I'm at it, a few other good standard hymns in F&C include:

    *Bendito, Bendito
    *Tu Reinaras
    Oh Buen Jesus
    Recibe, Padre Eterno
    *Amemonos de Corazon
    *Que Bueno es Mi Senor
    Jubilosos Te Adoramos #632 (Ode to Joy)
    Oh, Criaturas del Senor #636 (All Creatures of our God and King)
    *Humildes Gracias
    Ama a Tu Senor
    *Bendigamos al Senor (great for Offertory)
    Mi Dios y Mi Todo
    Grita, Profeta
    *Cantemos el Amor de los Amores

    Another that can work great bilingually is "Eat this Bread" (Taize)...the simple refrain is easy for the Spanish choir & congregation to pick up, and verses can be done English, Spanish or alternating. Music available from GIA (I obtained it from their hymnal "Oramos Cantando").

    Several of these are traditional and "classic" (or should be classic, even though perhaps they may have fallen from use in many Mexican-American congregations. I am working on slowly building up a respectable repertoire with my Spanish choir (which is currently 6-8 women and girls who for the more part bring a good attitude and willingness to learn, even though they have little to no formal training prior).

    [Forgive me; I didn't have time to look up all the numbers, nor put in all the proper accents]

    [Numbers are referencing Flor y Canto 2nd Edition]

    * << an asterisk marks those likely to be familiar to your congregation
  • Claire, I'm curious what you might recommend as far as Spanish the coming months, a priest will be ordained from my congregation to ministry in a Spanish-speaking parish. Our choir regularly sings Palestrina, Victoria, Byrd, etc., but it would be wonderful to find some excellent music with Spanish texts for the occasion.
  • I am not too fond of Alabare and would not use it at all, even for today. Most of the stuff in the new Flor y Canto is horrid, sad to say.

    One of the few bright spots from the book is Amen by Fr. Schiavone.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    Oh ... now I see that you might mean polyphony in the Spanish language as opposed to (Latin or other) polyphony by composers whose native language was/is Spanish. I know of very little polyphony in the Spanish language, especially from the Renaissance, for composers in that era composed almost exclusively in Latin for their sacred music.

    Of course, the giant amongst Spanish composers of polyphony has to be Victoria. But Morales and Guerrero, among others, were also superb Renaissance polyphonists. There is an intensity and depth of expression to Spanish polyphony that is different from that of the Italian composers, even from Victoria, who was closely identified with the Roman school. This "Spanish" sound and style is something well worth cultivating, especially in Spanish speaking parishes or, for that matter, in English speaking parishes.
  • Claire H
    Posts: 370

    Having a choir ready to sing Spanish polyphony would be rare and splendid, indeed!

    A few resources I suggest: (this site includes some Spanish compositions) (Lots of good stuff here!) (this gentleman has posted here on this forum)

    "Pan Divino y Gracioso" by Guerrero is particularly lovely:
    (a high-quality recording...obviously a group from Spain from their accent)

    Sheet music here:

    Hope that is helpful! Blessings.
  • So beautiful. Gasp...and yet...very doable. This is what I aspire to for my Hispanic congregation. Someday. Thank you so much, ClaireH. Are you up for some "advising a totally clueless but well meaning DM who has responsibilities for our dear Hispanic congregation?" Let me know when you have a chance. At the moment I'm trying to find something worthy for Immaculate Conception w/ just cantor and organ at my disposal. Many thanks!
  • Here's my edition for Pan Divino y Gracioso, it's for performance.

    And one of my personal favorites «Dulce Madre» by Jose María Beobide

    Feel free to reach me at my website if you need something
    Pan Divino y Gracioso.pdf
    Dulce Madre 2004.pdf
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • Now it's late for an Immaculate Conception but for next year I would recommend Bendita sea tu pureza (It's a traditional tune) and Estrella Pura by M. Haller