We can understand the divisions in the Church today by declaring the possible colors of a Requiem Mass to be a type, or figure, of the state of the Church today. There are the Whites, Blacks, Purples, and Violets.
For the purposes of this post, ideology refers to a set of preferences and biases. It does not endorse ideologues of any stripe, Black, White, Violet, or Purple, for the goal is never some manmade construction of ideas but the truth, which is always more surprising, fulfilling, curious, and, well, true. Rather, these groupings are useful to recognize certain groupings by certain attitudes or traits, which have, in recent times, grown in distinct if overlapping patterns in the visible Church.
think your asking if a traditional liturgical mindset automatically translate into a conservative catholic identity. in my case the answer is no but i have to tell you sometimes i feel like im the only non conservative traditionalist out there.
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