Need music from the Antiphonale
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Would someone be willing to send me either a scan or GABC code (whatever is easier for you) of the lauds gospel canticle antiphon in latin for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time for this year from the antiphonale? The english translation of the needed text is "They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great glory and majesty."
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,000
    The only mathing Latin text I could find is the Magnificat antiphon for First Vespers of the 33rd Sunday in OT:
    Vidébunt Fílium hóminis veniéntem in núbibus cæli cum virtúte multa et glória, allelúia.

    This text is not found in the Gregorian repertoire. The Antiphonale Romanum has the antiphon Dicebat enim intra se instead.

    The Ordo cantus officii has the following Benedictus antiphon for the 33rd Sunday of OT:
    Ecce in nubilus caeli Dominus veniet, cum potestate magna, alleluia.

    This resembles your text more or less. This antiphon can be found at

    Liturgia Horarum gives the following text for the Benedictus antiphon:
    Dóminus mittet ángelos et congregábit eléctos suos a quáttuor ventis, a summo terræ usque ad summum cæli.

    This text also is not in the Gregorian repertoire.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Forgot to mention: if you send the gabc, can you also let me know what the mode and EUOUAE music was as well?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,000
    GABC of Ecce in nubilus (mode I g):

    (c4) EC(dd)ce(c) in(d) nú(ef)bi(g)bus(fe) cæ(d)li(dc) *(,) Dó(fg)mi(h)nus(g) vé(h)ni(gf)et,(f) (;) cum(f) po(e)tes(f)tá(g)te(f) mag(fe~)na,(dc) al(d)le(fe)lú(d)ia.(d) (::) E(h) u(h) o(g) u(f) a(gh) e.(g) (::)
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Thank you, Steven! That's exactly what I need. I didn't even think to check your site.