Propers, yet another way
  • Here are settings of Entrance and Communion antiphons for the Sundays of Advent. They use the new Missal texts as unison refrains with organ accompaniment, set in regular meter, and intended for congregational singing. The SATB verses use a hymn tune derived from the antiphon melody to set a paraphrase of the requisite psalm verses. I've long been intrigued by the old Protestant custom of metrical psalmody, and this reflects my feeble attempt from some years ago. Of course, other sorts of verse settings could be used. I'd appreciate constructive feedback before I pursue this further.
    Richard Rice
    Thanked by 2Heath tomboysuze
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    My MD has been looking for some setting of the propers that the congregation could participate in. We have been using your Simple Choral Gradual for communion but this would allow us to add the Introit.

  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Have you considered By Flowing Waters?
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    I like BFW, but you see, it's all about "participation" ;)
  • Better to repeatedly use a more melismatic elaborate melody over and over, than a overly simple melody over and over.

    No interest here.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Contrast to Chris_McAvoy, there is much interest here!

    The parish where I work is very much accustomed to this type of singing. They probably won't be doing propers for at least a year, but this setting could help with transitioning toward the ideal.

    I'd love to be doing SEP, LCM, or even GM chants, but honestly its going to be at least a decade (maybe a few) until this parish understands the role of propers. Having the propers set in this style will be helpful.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    .Jenny, does the congregation sing 'responses' of the dialogues in Mass? That's the first degree of the congregational singing for the participation, not Propers.