Dr. Theodore Marier's 100th Birthday
  • October 17th, 20012 at St. Paul's Church, Harvard Square, Cambridge.


    A Celebration of Dr. Theodore N. Marier's 100th Birthday




    Events are open to all.

  • I will be there!
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,046
    FYI: I see Oct 17 in your announcement above, but didn't see a date on the flyer.
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to Scott Turkington for his engaging talk at last evening’s celebration of the 100th anniversary of Theodore Marier’s birth. Because Turkington approached Marier from a more intimate perspective than Fr. Skeris’ wonderful tribute in the fall 2001 issue of Sacred Music, perhaps the editorial staff can persuade Scott to allow a transcript of his talk to be included in an upcoming edition. (It would be nice as well to ask John Robinson to provide a copy of the Mass program and photos of the event.) I think it important that younger members of the CMAA know about the range of Marier’s accomplishments and why he, along with Msgr. Schuler in St. Paul, were the primary forces in the United States sustaining musical excellence in Catholic liturgy for much of the twentieth century.

    It was good to see so many familiar faces of Marier’s colleagues, students, former schola members, family, and friends at the Mass and reception that preceded the lecture. Hearing their reminiscences was a delight. During the talk, I enjoyed as well the smiles and nods of Marier’s children that seemed to confirm Scott was nailing their dad’s traits perfectly. Being of an age that too easily gives in to cynicism, I was again reminded of Marier’s singular enthusiasm and optimism that made him impervious to despair. He was simply unperturbed by obstacles in his pursuit of excellence. I do so wish I could emulate that.

    For those curious, here are some of the selections sung and performed at the Mass:

    organ prelude: Tiento-Improvisation (from Suite médiévale) Langlais
    (Langlais was a close friend of Marier)

    choral prelude: "Loctus iste" Bruckner

    introit: Si iniquitates (chanted by the boys from the loft)

    hymn: # 103 (from Marier’s hymnal Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Canticles)
    All Creatures of our God and King (sung to Marier’s tune “St. Francis”)

    Kyrie: "Missa Quarti Toni" Victoria

    Psalm 1 #363 “Happy are they who hope in the Lord” from Marier’s psalter

    Gospel Acclamation: #92 Marier’s setting for Sundays of the Year

    Offertory Anthem: "Ave Maria" Robert Parsons

    Offertory Hymn: # 347 We Rejoice, God’s Holy People (Marier tune “Offeramus”)

    Sanctus: A Marier English setting (adapted by J. Robinson using the new
    Agnus dei: "Missa Quarti Toni" Victoria

    Communion: "Aufer a me" chanted by the men of the schola
    Communion Motet: "Ave Verum Corpus" Saint-Saëns

    Post-Communion: Antiphon (from “Five Mystical Songs”) Vaughan Williams

    Recessional Hymn: #281 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above (Marier tune “Laudes”)

    organ postlude: "Te Deum" Langlais
  • I made the trek to Cambridge on Wednesday. (All the way from Michigan!)

    I was in "Marier" heaven. I never met "Ted", but I feel that after using his hymnal for the past 27 years, I know him well. Our congregation knows and sings all the "Ted" Psalm antiphons. It is still our default hymnal.

    First of all, I was blown away by the choir. I've read about the good work of John Robinson. Much was expected, and the the choir delivered everything. I certainly like the gutsy, full-toned sound Robinson elicits from his singers. It reminded me of the the Westminster Choir approach to sound. It was absolutely marvelous.

    It was great fun to sing all the Marier hymn originals. The Gospel Acclamation is our every Sunday default setting.

    Earlier in the day, I visited the Ted exhibit at Boston College and learned a few things I did not know before about the man.

    Just as rewarding was the excellent talk given after the Mass by Scott Turkington. I hope he sends his speech to the Chant Cafe for all to read.

    I had only been in St Paul's once...and that was 26 years ago. I had forgotten how vast and awesome a space it is.

    It was nice to meet John Dunn, whose many fine texts--especially the metrical Psalms--are well known to me and my parish.

    The lesson learned from the day was that we all have a duty to make our liturgies more beautiful for the honor and glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Something that was not said on Wednesday, but deserves a mention. Marier, in his "retirement" once said, "Gregorian Chant is a love song to Jesus." God be good to him!